Serenity's PoV
Serenity woke up on a couch in the Gryffindor common room with a book clutched in her hand. Her sister had gone up to bed after skimming over her notes for five minutes the night before. She would probably ace the potions and do fairly well on all of the other ones, just like their father would've. She was more like her mother, who would study all night to get her good grades.
Serenity walked up to her dorm and pulled on her Gryffindor robes. She brushed all of the knots from her red hair, she had changed it to look like her mother's, and returned downstairs to study some more.
"Good morning, beautiful," George said as he descended his steps to his dorm. He leaned over the couch and planted a kiss on her forehead.
"Want to go to breakfast?" she asked George.
"Sounds good."
George jumped over the back of the couch and held out his hand for her to hold. She held his hand and they walked to the dining hall. Serenity picked at her food until George was ready to leave.
"Ready?" she asked him when she saw he was finished eating.
"You haven't eaten anything," George said as he turned to face her. He looked concerned.
"I'm not hungry," She said with a sigh. She was stressing out about her N.E.W.T's. They predicted what type of job she would get! Her stomach was in knots and all of the food was starting to make her feel sick.
"I'm making sure you eat lunch and dinner, then," George said as he stood up. "Hey, don't stress about these tests too much. You'll do fantastic." His bright green ones stared into the depths of her mom's green eyes.
"Ok," she said with a laugh. "Carry me?" she said with a questioning smile. George shrugged and picked her up on his back.
"Where to, m'lady?" George asked as they left the Great Hall.
"I need to go to Professor McGonagall's office to ask her about my exams."
George carried her to the door and she dropped off his back. He gave her a kiss on her cheek, wished her luck, and headed to his classes. Eh, he may as well attend. Better to not raise suspicion, Serenity thought.
"Professor McGonagall?" Serenity asked as she entered the transfiguration classroom.
"Thank you for coming dear, I will be testing you in all of the subjects myself. Today you have Transfiguration exams." Professor McGonagall motioned for her to sit at a desk. "The Ministry is interfering so most of the examinations are written," she whispered the first part. "Here is the written exam. I will take it when you finish with it.
Professor McGonagall handed her a stack of parchment and a quill and ink. She finished her exam within 15 minutes and handed her parchment to Professor McGonagall.
"Time for the practical examination. Please transfigure this dog into a cup, and then return it into a dog once more."
Serenity did as she was instructed and turned the white dog into a silver goblet. Professor McGonagall wrote down some notes and then Serenity changed the cup back into a dog.
"Well done, Miss Evans. You are scheduled for your Potions exam in 10 minutes, once I am finished telling you your schedule you may procede to the dungeons. I have given you Wednesday off. Your History of Magic exam is on Thursday, as well as your Defense Against the Dark Arts. Friday will be your escape with the twins and your sister. You will be staying with the Weasley's until the end of term. They will take you with them to meetings for the Order. After school ends, you will come to live with me. Charity will go to live with Professor Snape."

The Weasley Twin's Love
FanfictionCharity and Serenity are the two secret daughters of Severus Snape and the late Lily Potter. They couldn't tell anyone who their parents were, or why they had the same last name as Harry's mother. Of course they got enrolled at Hogwarts. And, of cou...