you are perfect

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Sean's POV

After about a week of sexy times and snuggling me and mark have gotten even closer than ever, I was sitting in the living room alone since mark went gym and so do Ryan Michelle was out with Kristen ken was cooking and Felix was reading, I slipped my headphones in and a song came on I have never heard it but at the end of it I realised this is basically what my life was like ( not the song that you can listen to at the top of the story a different one) I slowly snook upstairs and found my oldest friend tucked away in a box I grabbed the keys from a hole behind the bathtub and unlocked it to find three little shiny objects at different sizes I then thought... Maek ... I locked it back up and his it and the key to hear the door open and close " SEAN WERE BAAACK!!!!!" Mark shouted I rushed out of the bathroom and lunged over mark who suddenly fell to the ground " woah so you missed me I guess" I could smell sweat but oh well he had converse on and shorts along with a shirt on. I nodded and got off of him, we stood up and he went in the direction of the bathroom I run in and lock the door so he has to go in the second bathroom. I hear the shower flick on andi left to go down stairs and smelt something lush I followed the scent to see ken cooking from 4 different cookbooks with some posh items, eg caviar and stuff I went and sat down next to Felix who had a pile of books next to him the one on the top of the pile was red and it had little girls holding hands going in loops and twirls and I read the. Blurb "follow the dark,dark path into the dark,dark woods into the dark,dark bridge by the dark... Dark water?" And the story is called killing the dead and the last little girl at the end of the line is holding a noose I was officially scared so I scooted away and watched TV. As I walked to sit down I heard soft singing I turned the TV off and followed to the bathroom mark was in the shower turned off and the singing continued " so stand in the rain stand your ground stand up when its all falling stand through the pain you won't drown...stand in th- FUCK SEAN !!!!!!" He walked out and saw me pressed against the door listening " heh umm?" I scrambled away and sat down stairs smiling. Mark soon came down in a shirt and shorts and sat next to me " m-mark would you umm...." I tried to talk I just couldn't talk then he said " no I will not sing" sternly " but please please please markimooooooo please for me....." I pouted scooting closer, " okay what would it be?" I told him " just I dunno like ummm..........sing fireflies owl city!!!" I beamed then he sung as I rested my head on his chest

I could hear his breathing quicken and slow and his heart beat..."

You would not believe your eyes

If ten million fireflies

Lit up the world as I fell asleep

'Cause they'd fill the open air

And leave tear drops everywhere

You'd think me rude

But I would just stand and stare

I'd like to make myself believe

That planet Earth turns slowly

It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep

'Cause everything is never as it seems

'Cause I'd get a thousand hugs

From ten thousand lightning bugs

As they tried to teach me how to dance

A foxtrot above my head

A sock hop beneath my bed

The disco ball is just hanging by a thread

(Thread, thread...)

I'd like to make myself believe

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