good but bad news(long)

19 0 0

Jacks pov

I stood making a snack as my phone rang " hello !"
"hello could you come collect levane she has had a fight with a year two boy"
"*sigh*okay ill be there in ten minuets"

Once i arrived levane was happily talking to the boy next to her, then in ran a lady and walked to the boy then levane saw me and ran hugging me "im so sorry"
"Its okay but when your daddy hears about this be prepared"
"i know i know" the boy and his mother walked past us "see you levane!"
"see you anthony"
"so are you friends with the kid?"
"yeah we said sorry and all that"
"so whats his name "
"Anthony Jack MCcallaghen "
"ooh like the name"

We returned home then mark called "Hey babe i have great news ill tell everyone when weve got the girls from school"
"okay then ill get them now it finishes in 5 mins"  we had a chat then i ran to collect amy then ran back the schools literally round the corner and up the street . I saw her jumper had a white stain beside the schools logo "braunstone community primary school" had the community covered by paint (schools name) she must be doing art. "So did you have a good day?"
"yes dad we did games and painted and we also watched a movie"
"well youve had a fun filled day havent you?" She nodded then ran into the house "Please dont let daddy know i had a fight dad pleeeeaase"
"okay okay okay calm down i wont promise"
We all went in as levane ran upstairs and amy sat down in the kitchen and did some drawing."DEAREST FAAAAMIILLYYYY IMMM HOOOMMEEEE!!!!!!!!" Mark sung in an opera tone "DADDY!!"the girls shouted "now i have brilliant news every one come sit down in the living room" we all went and sat down as mark stood before us infront of the T.V "so i was out today and i met a woman."
"really!?" I said
"not in that way... you know how you want " he motioned rocking a baby "yeah"
"well she said she will carry one for us!"
"thats great news"
'idiot how ya gonna tell the girls huh i dont think you deserve to sleep tonight!' " how are you i mean we going to tell the girls ?"
" well we need to figure who the dad is gonna be !"
"i dont feel right doing that i think you should"
"she said call her when were ready to  start and we can go bond so i will call her now!"
"what are you on about?" Levane asked as amy nodded "oh we will tell you soon."
...........………………………there was a very long silence i was nearly drifting asleep then "HELLO! yes its me mark im calling to say it will be me who is the father..............(the lady is replying) would you like to come round for dinner on saturday?(lady) well then 7 oclock it is ! remind me of your name again (lady) okay yeah thank you so so much bye Diana (byyyyyeee replying) " so yeah shes coming saturday "
" thats good we can go get some nice clothes for the girls they still only have casual clothes"
"i still need to take you guys out for dinner"
"so daddy whats happening"
"well cookie…… you might be having a baby brother or sister "
"but i already have a sister"
"yes but you might be having another one " she frowned and walked away "im not sure if she likes the idea....


Marks pov

I began to finish up with levanes hair "why have i got to have my hair like this again?"
"because yoooouuurrrr uhhhmmmm AUNTIE auntie is coming over"
"oh okay then why cant i have it in a pony tail ?"
"cause were having dinner now let me put this in your hair..... clip back the fringe and there!"
"why did you have to curl my hair"
"Because its decent (marks straightened her hair and then curled it like thats what i do!) Even amy has her hair curled"
"but her hair is always striaght its quicker" she whined" really levane? Just really? okay  ill make a deal if you behave and wear that dress you dont have to have a little brother or sister and ill let you miss a couple days of school"
"Deal accepted" she held out her hand "what?"
"done" i handed her twenty pounds as she stuffed it into her pocket "now go put that dress on"
"uuuuuuuggghhhhhhhhhh give me ten mins "
"Nope go put it on now or youll have to go to the maths club"
"okay okay okay "
"thank you" she walked upstairs and changed then down she came with the small purple dress with a galaxy under layer beneath the netting, it had black roses around and across the belt the straps had a purple netting falling over the sholders she looked amazing her curls were tighter than amys which were very loose then in walked amy who had a similar dress which was plain pink and white exactly the same just opposite colors and it didnt have the galaxy thing underneath it had polka dots. Then down walked jack who was in a green checkerd shirt which was open and he had a white markiplier shirt beneath. Right now i was in my boxers and my markiplier shirt " mark Diana will be here any minuet now so get your ass dressed"
"okay okay."
I came down in my lucky red flannel shirt with a black jacksepticeye shirt on beneath and navy blue jeans like jack. I pulled on my red vans as jack pulled on his. Levane put on her purple and black converse as amy put on her little shoes which had clipped straps on gold and white. I wonder why jack chose them. then we all went to do our thing jack started to check the food as the girls went into the living room to play with the pets then the door bell rang. I went and answered it to see a woman in a red dress with a bottle of red wine in her hands "Diane hello its nice to see you again come in come in!"
"well thank you mark" i held the door back as she stepped inside. me jack and Diane headed to the dining room and sat down. "So Diane you dont mind carrying a baby for us right?" Jack asked with wonder
"its all good ive never had a child and i want to do it for the good of the world because you want a child and i want to help so i decided to help"
"would you like to be called mom by the kid or "
"mom? Are you american?"
"uh yeah i am and he is irish" we all smiled
"Haha id like to be called anything other than mum (dont forget they are in england) i dont want children of my own i want to carry a baby for the homosexuals and so on its all because im not and i will never be ready to have kids for me to look after"
"well its extremly nice of you to do such a good thing its just mind blowing that you would do this for us"
"its all in the bible beleive me."
"So how old are you?"
"im 18 ... my 19th is monday"
"oh okay are you really sure your ready for this ?"
"yes oh its just my dream to do this for a family"
We chatted a little longer then she asked" will the baby have a big brother or sister?"
"well it will have two sisters AMY LEVANE!!" Jack shouted then they both ran in "awwh they look so adorable"
"yeah but this dress is ugly"
"levane" i said
"remember *our deal*" i mouthed as i rubbed my fingers together to show money "okay okay"
"hello miss... im amy whats your name?"
"im diane"
"Im itching " levane said as she scratched her side "hahaha really ? your children are so cute and polite so open minded mixed with personality"
"were hoping for a little girl so its all fair and the girls can help more but we dont care weather its a fish we will love it equally"

After dinner

"When are you planning to y'know "
"well whenever the lady is ready" i said "shall we try ummm tuesday?"
"Sean is that good with you?"
"uhm yeah" he said a little grimly with a cough
"i also have to make a doctors apointment so its all good " he was talking so grim compared to earlier "welp look at the time i best get going!"
"Ill see you off"
i saw off Diane and then told levane to get into her pjamas and amy just went and played for a little while "whats the matter baby ?"
"it just feels like your having an affair and i just know about i" jack sadly said "but you couldve done this instead "
"but it doesnt feel right "
"okay if we forget about it until after the thing then maybe we can get a babysitter and just me and you can have a litlle fun" I said seductivley
"Oh mark you always know how to make me feel better" i sat him on my lap and kissed him deeply not pulling back as i slipped my tounge into his mouth  "EEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!" Levane squealed i opened my left eye to see here smiling with disgust we all laughed " so why're you down here?"
"because i wanted to tell you something"
"I DONT WANT A BABY BROTHER OR SISTER I ALREADY HAVE ONE!!!!!! ITS THE WORST IDEA EVER!!!" My face dropped " are you two comfy? Well i have a few things i need to go through" she walked out and came back in with some papers "oh my god prepare for this" i whispered to jack. " i have ten reasons a paragraph and also drawings as of why you shouldnt have another child" she walked up to me took my glasses and sat back down putting them on and evening out the papers "well you shouldnt have a baby cause they are 1 loud
2 needy
3 annoying
4 sleep stealing
5 you have me and amy
6 they smell
7 your always busy
8 who will look after it
9 they are boring
10 they always need feeding " she went through the paragraph and the drawings She also cried a little which going through it all made me cry a bit "levane just go to your room" it did kind of make me happy of how smart she is but it made me sad and angry that she hates babys hat she doesnt like the choices were making  "but i -"
"I WAS ONLY MAKING A BLOODY POINT!!!" She stormed off throwing my glasses back to me as i headbutted the table purposley jack slid off my lap and rubbed my back soothingly "its gonna be okay mark she will pass off"
"but what if she bullys and abuses the kid what if she kills it!!?" I cried onto the glass letting puddles and steam from me breathing cover it "l dont think we can have a kid jack"
"MARK DONT SAY THAT!! We can have a kid and you know that just ignore levane she will get over it"
" or should we get rid of her but if we get rid of her amy will be really sad so we will have to get rid of her"
"MARK EDWARD FISCHBACH YOU LISTEN AND YOU LISTEN CLOSELY we can have a kid and me you and the girls will love it who cares if levane hates it now she will love the baby when it comes even if it is disabled or if it has any type of disability we and they will love it all its life and you know that "
I cried more and more just letting the table soak in my tears "b-but -"
"NO BUTS MARK you know and dont deny it ... you fucking know hat your going to love the child weather im not the dad or if obama is you . Will . Love . It" i stopped crying " and lifted my head to reveal a soggy face " c'mon now lets dry your face and we can go sleep on the sofa" i smiled and hugged jack crying happily into his side "oh my god mark " he laughed i stood up grabbed a tea towel and dried my face letting out long deep breaths every few moments "its gonna be alright mark you dont need to cry at all" i nodded and dropped the tea towel to its original place. We walked to the sofa being a recliner it becomes a bed basically, we both sat down as i pulled the tiny leaver thing and the leg rest came up we both pulled close together as we began to watch a movie alls i could do was think about levane and the baby what of she does hurt it at any point we might have to get rid of the baby or get rid of the girls which isnt fair on amy. I just decided to forget about it and carry on watching the movie.

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