Last week...of living ?

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Marks pov

It's my last week... my last hours with my love, my last physical contact for two or three whole years I won't be able to put up with it... that's when I had the idea to take our relationship much further for the last week, I went shop and collected the items, I returned to the house and saw SEAN sat down in the kitchen so I grabbed him and carried him fireman style upstairs ten the fun began

I'm not putting in any smut now cause it's 2am and I can't think cause I have to get up at 5am for school ad I'm doing my homework too so no smut sorry freaky Perverted fangirls that want smut for them to bum off of (sorry my bitchy side is entering reality)

We laid on the bed looking at each other panting for air SEAN spat out the gag smiling at me I wiped my head of sweat we were doing it for 5 whole hours and it's amazing how we did it,we trailed downstairs and set our selves on the sofa we decided to relax today and then do some stuff tomorrow but just relaxing today. I saw Ken do something then return to cooking smells original, felix once again was reading michelle was out and ryan was out somewhere not sure where though.i turned on the tv and decided to sing a little "hey look at my mom she's got it going on, HA your blinded by her jewlery, and when you turn your back she pulls out a flask and forgets his infidelity..." I sung it then by the end sean was out cold. I carried him to the bedroom that had a bare bed.i laid him down on the mattress and grabbed a spare blanket and left the dark room illuminated by his buzzing phone I checked it and dropped it in horror "no......" The phone was smashed at my feet I sat in the glass and curled in a ball crying ....."dads...d-d-dead" I muttered to my self my crying caught Sean's attention cause he slipped out of slumber and looked at me "Mark?" I looked up and back down "Mark!" He got out the bed missing the glass and coming to me "mark what's wrong?" I shook my head "it's not happening no no no no no no no no no NO!" I screeched I got up running to the bathroom SEAN followed then I punched the mirror as hard as I could glass flying back behind me and all around I collapsed crying ,the glass peircing my legs my arms my face my whole right side of my body, SEAN tried to get me out of the glass but it didn't work I laid there still blood trickling down to the White marble floor making it a light Crimson I curled up and let the glass sink in more and more not caring for anything "i just want him back" I cried in pain and sadness, he died of cancer as he never told us...."WHY HAS THIS GOT TO HAPPEN TO ME!!!!!!!???????" I screamed and stood up leaving shards of glass in my sides I let SEAN examine the area and I grabbed something's to heat me and then I took a walk out in the rain the glass in my face was soothed by the damp surroundings and the rain making the blood trickle down my face. I looked up to the sky and imagined my dad it scared me and cause of it I jumped and landed in a puddle, I got up cursing myself and I walked along the street I was going some where but.... where?... I trotted up the path and looked upwards to see a small sign it read "the city coast" and "beware" I walked along the path which changed into rubble which changed into rocks and sand then finally into wet sand and rocks, I stood at the coast and heard some screams from behind me "MAAAARRRRKKKK!!!!!!!!" I turned and saw sean,michelle,ken,felix and ryan waving behind me trying to get my attention. I turned and watched the waves "MAAAARRRKKK!!!!!!" Still seeking my attention I turned and looked at them I heard some crashes behind me but presumed they were small waves, "MAAAAAAAARRRKKK RUUUUUNNNN, RUUUUNNN MAARRKK QUICK MARK COME OOONNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!" I turned and looked to see a large wave forming I slowly started to run... but I was too late... the wave caught me

Sean's pov

I watched as my life was washed away into darkness and death I couldn't see him at all so I figured he was gone "MAAAAARRRKKKK!!!!!!" I screamed my throat stingy with tears pouring, I fell to my knees crying so hard I wanted to dive in and save him. so as I tried crawling to the safety bars I was pulled back by Ryan and Ken as I was kicking and screaming. after about half an hour I have in and let them pull me home to cold and empty bed...

We entered the house and I stumbled up stairs and into my vast and empty room.i clambered into my bed and put on marks shirt and cried myself to sleep

(In dream )

I woke up in the Middle of the day I looked around and heard some laughs and I followed them into the guest room and saw mark laying on the bed with a boy resting on his chest the smaller boy shuffled up and kissed Mark as I stood there screaming and crying but as I dived on the boys went through him. so ... I'm invisible... I left the room and walked down the stairs and saw Ken reading and felix cooking as Michelle sat at the tv watching some stuff and ryan was out and a note at the door reading "I'll be back soon gone to the cemetery I walked through the door and saw Ryan holding flowers and he had a back pack on I followed him as saw the cemetery. as we entered it I saw him head to a grave and a tear trickled down his cheek and you could see it behind his mask he rested the flowers on the grave and then he pulled out a card and a photo, I waited a moment and headed over and looked at the picture it was us all together with Kristen in the corner, and me... I looked at the card and it read "to our strong shamrock

We miss you so so much marks moved on like you would have wanted felix is taking fully English and we're doing well and staying strong

Yours truly Mark,Michelle,Ryan,Ken,Felix,Kristen and Harvey xxx" I was heart broken I thought it'd be marks dads grave and that I was just away with out Mark and that I had moved on but it was my grave...

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