Oh s**t

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1 month later

Levanes PoV

I leaned over the toilet and vomited . I feel like crap. Mark and Sean stood behind me rubbing my back " what's wrong with me" I sighed " I don't know but it's probably just a bug." Sean shrugged. I smiled slightly " a-a bug!"
Both Sean and Mark look at me in confusion " this is not a bug this is not a week lasting bug ! Heck all I know is I could be dying !" I ranted. " Levane calm down !"
" no I'm going for some ice cream " I got up and eased myself. I stood before the freezer and rummaged for some ice cream. I found some chocolate Frankie and bennies. I walked to the sofa and flicked on the television.

Sean's pov

Me and mark stood behind the door watching Levane " I don't know what's wrong with her mark . I'm scared for her "'I sighed. Mark put his arm around me " it's okay " he kissed my head " she will get through this I promise , no matter what it is she will be fine " I looked up to him as if to say ' promise ?' And he looked at me planting a kiss on my lips. It's been so long since we've kissed in a moment of stress ...I kissed back " mmhh" I moaned as Mark slipped his tongue in. He slithered his arms around my waist I felt a hand , firm , on the side of my leg gesturing to jump into the owner of the hands grasp until a specific boy of mine ruined our little session " dad?" The small light brown haired boy said " *sigh*yes remi " I slipped off Mark " we shall carry on in the bedroom ~ "he winked  and I returned a sheepish smile. " is it okay if me and baileigh go and stay at our friends house?" He pushed his glasses up his nose " yeah that's absolutely fine with me . Which ones ?"
" Sam and tims "
" oh the twins across the street ?"
" yep! I need to go help set up their dads computer anyways. "
" the apple ? "
" yeah " he disappeared out the door and came back in with the twins and baileigh . I smiled at the green eyed boy and the brown eyed boy .theyre un identical twins so it's hard to know if they're related. I pulled on my shoes and walked across the street to the twins house and knocked the door "hello sean come in " Brenda ,the twins mother , gestured me in. I sat before the apple labelled box." Thanks Sean , Alex isn't in at the moment so he would love to see the computer set up and ready to go " she exclaimed happily. I started putting bits together and plugging things in setting them up and then a satisfying " ping" played " well that's it ! Alex just needs to put a password on and a name then he is literally finished " I smiled at the brown haired woman " thanks a lot , your boys wanted to know if they could sleep over , Sam and Tim just wanted to know so badly " she laughed a little " oh yeah , I did say they could. Now they're seven it's going fast isn't it ? I could remember them being afraid to stay at home " I chuckled " well thanks again I will cook them dinner as well "
I thanked her and headed home. Levane , still sat on the sofa had two empty tubs of ice cream , empty in fact , and she was eating another " Levane! You've nearly finished all of the ice cream ! Come on just stop "
" but I don't want it ! I'm craving it so so much " I was thinking for a moment she's been vomiting a lot and she's started having cravings .... Naaaaaahhhh she can't be at all. I laughed it off " fine just don't eat us starving " she smiled and carried on watching ... Dr.phil? She would usually watch stuff like family guy and American dad . I headed back to the kitchen to see Mark sat upon the counter top on his phone doing a video " and I'll see you all in the next video buh-byeeeeeee" he waved then noticed me " what was you doing ?"
" I decided that I'm going to have some time off YouTube , I'll be uploading my pre recorded videos and I'll have to post some ' don't upload 'files if it's so long cause ... I want to spend time with you" my heart melted like chocolate as he said that " awwwh Mark that's so nice of ya'"I felt a tug of my shirt " yes?"  I turned to see Amy stood with a friend " can I stay around Mia's house tonight ?" I nodded " yes just go pack our stuff "
Once they was gone I turned to mark " if we get Levane out for the night we can ... Get some sweet sweet lovin' going on . Some kinky ass shit y'know " Mark said . I threw my head back laughing " ya okay " I smiled " Levane , honey come here " she walked in with a tub of ice cream in her hand. " yah?"
" how would you like to go to see your aunt Diana it's been a while since you've visited " she jumped for joy " I'll go pack my things right now!" She ran off still holding the ice cream.i sighed " Mark I can't do anything but think about Levane "
" uhh what?"
" NO!no not in that sort of way . She has seemed to put on weight, she's been vomiting the past week and now she is repeatedly eating chocolate ice cream and she is having bitch fits every now and then ! Heck , I'm coming to think she is ... Pregnant "
Mark looked at me in disbelief, then he flung his head back laughing like a hyena " y-you think that she is .... Hahahhahaha pr-pregnant?" I stuttered trying to stop his laughter " Mark, I'm serious if this carries on I'm taking her to get a scan " I said full serious tone on now. " oh . Your being serious ?" His laughter stopped instantly, with a simple nod I sat down.  " I'm gonna ask Diana to talk to her". Once I had texted Diana she texted back so quick I didn't even have time to turn off my phone.

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