meeting friends and talking swedish

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Felixs pov

Im going to really meet the old pair my god were going to surprise them next week i hear theyre going ireland together so me, ken, marzia,mary,cry,kristen and michelle are going down so marzia and mary can meet then too! I start rambling then i suddenly talk swedish to ken marzia and mary " Åh min Gud jag skrän jävla vänta ken marzia mary im så ser fram emot det här"
"Pewdie what are you on about?" marzia said in her soft little voice
" im talar fint marzia vad är du på ungefär???" I was talking english... well thats what i thought "marzia im talking english" i was so excited that i spoke swedish not knowing it... heh

I got on the plane and lucky old ken was sat next to a guybwho stunk a little woman who was flirting with him and a kid sat behind him. me and mary were sat next to eachother and marzia was next to cry so me and marzia switched and i sat next to... cry... he has a lovely calming deep voice thats so so soothing and its just so so soooo- im thinking gay thoughts though im straight oh well best go sleep. I laid my head back and drifted off as my head slipped and hit something really hard but comfy and i felt something brush against my face it felt all fuzzy, and whispy but i still slept

Crys pov

Felix sat next to me and he looked around. He then laid his head back and went sleep. His head slipped to the side and rested on my shoulderi turned to look and as i did my hair brushed across his face, i tried not to disturb him but luckily i didnt. I lifted my hair away from him so it didnt brush again... this felt ... right ... naaahhh its friendly love, i could kiss him and he would take it naturally. Oh well Im a lonley sucker the unlucky one and im bi... and the worst thing is i have anxiety i was close to killing myself but i was saved by ohm who comforted me. I shuffled in my seat before i realized i may have an anciety attack soon either now or un a few days... i just some times know weather im gonna have an attack, best stop thinking of it. I heard mumbles and i listened carefully "cry i love you theres no one id rather wake up next to cuddle me look after me cook for me and thats why i love you cry ... no not cry , Ryan thats why i love you Ryan" what.... WHAT???? He sajd he loves me. I looked down at pewdie to see he was still mumbling but i couldnt quite catch it. Then the tannoy went "ding dong!! Hello we will be landing an 1 hour so keep an eye out for the belt sign thank you" after the ding dong thingy pewdie shot up and hit his head off the compartments above " aahhh fuck fuck dumma jävla ding dong twat sak ouch" he said swedish and english... wow .... i pulled him down and rubbed his head soothingly... "thanks cry"
" no problem"
" hey when we get ireland you wanna go coffee shop or get some  food whilst we wait for jack to land? and whilst ken buys a lot of deodrent" he smiled
"course itd be fun we havent since we were younger" i said willingly
" my head still hurts cwy it weally weally huwts" he said like a little baby " well does baby want me to rub it better?" he nodded. So i nuggied him " oooooouuucchhhiieeee" he whined
" you wanted me to rub it better " i laughed. I adjustwd my mask so you could see my mouth still.

reverse in time for jack

jacks pov

i woke up at 4 am and my flight is at 5 pm i looked over to see mark soundly sleeping, i decided that id make some good old irish breakfast today. i got dressed into my hat my septic shirt and my blue jacket with jeans and some converse to finish the look, I pull out some eggs and crack them in a cup and mixed them whilst i got some bacon and cooked it not sure if mark has ever tried my bacon. Once i finished the eggs i grabbed a potatoe and sliced it ever so thin, i set them in he oven and once they were done i set them on the eggs to make a little sandwich thingy, then i grabbed the o.j out the fridge and two glass cupsi tried pouring it whilst flipping a few pancakes then as i moved a little to flip it then knocked the cups off the side, " shit shit shit" i whisper shouted to myself i got a cloth and got down hands and knees scrubbing the tiled floor.

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