midnight walks and midnight builds

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Sean's POV

I played on my PC for a while and then I heard some crashes. I looked out my window to see some gangs out side messing on the far feilds . its normal around here, but I didn notice that one of them approached my house. I looked back out to see a thug walking to my dads garage with some stuff in his hands. HOLY FUCK. I grabbed my things and I didn't want to get noticed so ever so carefully I looked up how to make a harmless gas bomb I pulled one together and opened my window " STAY AWAY FROM MY HOUSE OR ELSE!!!" I shouted the thugs turned to see such a small boy shout like that they laughed and walked up closer " TAKE ONE MORE STEP AND YOULL BE OUT FOR SOME Z'S" one little cocky asshole moved his foot forwards under their visuals I fiddled turning the little bomb on. Yes I know this seems dramatic but hey I'm bored and I have to make things in my spare time. It blooped the old watch tied to a box with balloons of gas inside started to heat up I threw it they stared at it and as they saw it bloop they ran and then BOOM a small explosion went off. I then slipped my jacket on and snook out the house not forgetting my old wellies. In Ireland its muddy and barely any summers hot enough for you to tan and now it's the end of winter so its all sludgy and cold. I grabbed my bike and rode off into the woods. I'm Sean McLaughlin and I'm 10 , I live in the middle of no where in Ireland and I'm also a computer finatic. I have some amazing parents and family but one thing about my life is something I despise day by day... I get bullied yup little old me gets bullied and I never get the last word... though I try, they call me a hobby lil' shit the and what the older kids call he kiddie babes say I should drop dead and that I should drink bleach or to slit my throat or cut my wrists so much I bleed to death... but that's the thing I never sleep but when I do I have messed up nightmares and some times I have nightmares that I meet people and that they are my world until they betray me... crazy huh. I was riding for a while until I saw an old place that looked like a playhouse or a cubby to the Americans. it was huge I figured I should leave it. I thought for a moment I'm never happy I have to pretend to be... a happy place that's it I can have it as my happy place. I went home every 10 mins collecting things to make it more invisible and some paints for inside and some stuff to block holes it was fun but when I was in the roof I slipped and I landed on a log I needed I laid there for 5 minutes in pain. I was finally done , I took a step back to look at my work. I walked inside and looked at the shelves I put up and the bed frame I made so I could camp out a few chair frames and spaces for pillows the last thing I needed to do is get light and heat source... fudge and cookies too. uhhhh why am I like this I act like the little wimp I am and then I act so manly when I'm always going to be a lonely little - CRAP what time is it????!!!!! WOAH its 5 am I should get heading back now dad goes work in an hour... I put my bike inside the den and ran home I got there in time to see dad in his room getting up, I grabbed a shovel and went round back, I grabbed some saplings and dropped them into the holes I made then filled them, " that's the spirit son ! " Dad said patting my back I smiled and hugged him he walked to the car and went off whilst ma shouted from the gate "YOUR LUUUUNNNCCHHH!!!!!!!!!" The car swerved and he got it kissed ma and left. wait what day is it "SEAN! cookie day!" I dropped everything an ran flicking my muddy clothes of to be first person to get the bestest cookies but as usual I was last...but being last also meant that I get a choice of cookie flavour with the spare ingredients.

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