not so straight

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Seans pov

I woke up at 10 oclock and then it hit me like a boulder i havent given amy a bath and its been around about 2 -3 months ........ "Amy" i looked in the living room to see her watching cartoons"Amy cmon lets take you for a bath" then in burst Ma "SEAAAAAN!" She sung  "yes" i sighed "i overheard you and i will bathe amy  cmon dear" my ma is crazy... wait what if mark hasnt washed levane fuck. I pulled my phone out and called mark " hello?"
"hiya sean"
"have you washed levane?"
"oh shit no i havent"
"my ma is washing amy so looks like your washing levane" i smiled
"WHAT? Okay okay whatever"
"Any ways bye love you" i smiled again
"love you too " he put the phone down

Marks pov

I put the bath on and its like 3 am so i best wait until its morning well later.

5 hours later

"MARK!" levane shouted
"im sorry for throwing the pop tarts at you"
"Well im glad you apologised and im sorry i chased you "
"oh okay"
"any ways your having a bath okay"
she nodded and walked away. I went upstairs and  turned the bath on and put bubbles in then" SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!"
"Oh im sorry im sorry im sorry
im sorry im sorry im sorry" levane repeated a billion times and more as i coughed violently i had spilt the whole bottle of bubbles in the bath "i-i its okay" i gained my breath coughing softly "a-anyways getbin the bath i wont watch" i turned and waited till splashes stopped i turned to see just levanes face in an avalanche of bubbles. We bothe smiled as i moved the bubbles and began to wash her "mark im bored " kids like to play so ... YES! . I walked down the hallway and came back up with 4 rubber ducks that i just have.
"here ya go" i handed her the ducks and let her play happily play wirh tgem then i noticed how her hair was matted eww.i got my shampoo and conditioner and rubbed it in her hair whilst she squealed "nuuuuuuu dont touch my hair"
"levane do you know what nits are"
She shook her head "they are little spiders that live in your hair so if i dont wash it they will get in your hair and live there and you will never be able to get rid of them" and alls i got in response was a "*squeak*" of silence "hahaha" i laughed deep like i used to ever since ive been back with sean i have been different. Once i rubbed conditioner in her hair i turned the shower on and washed it.

After bath

Once levane was in her onsie i messaged wade to go shopping and get me a hair brush bobbles (i dont know what they call hair bobbles in america so i just used the english term)and some beer to do drunk minecraft later.
(m-mark w-wade)
M,hey wade can you go shopping and buy some beer and anything strong to get me drunk, hair brush for curly hair and some hair bobbles
M,cause i need them i cant leave the house so pleeeeeeeeaaase
W,okay okay ill be round in 20 mins
M,thank you thank you thank you!
I put down my phone and dried levanes hair with a towel she didnt fuss either especially after i told her about nits. Im so evil.

Once wade arrived i invited him in and once he saw levane he understood me "hey mark when did you get a kid?"
"just watch my video its called (insert super unexsistant name here)" i said to him as he scrolled through my videos " oh okay" he watched the video and said "awww thats so cute how she did your outro. I didnt know where to start for her hair so i started from the root she then said "owwww that hurts stop it"
"mark do you want me to do it i do my neices hair when she stays at my place and its curly " i sighed handing him the brush watching trust fully as wade did her hair so fast but so soft she didnt whine or fuss about it she jusy let it happen and it turns out it didbt hurt her or anything. He pulled her hair back with a split going through the right side of her head which then made a wavy fring hang accross the corner of her eye which wade pinned back with a bobby pin. " Wow thanks wade"
"no problem"
"Levane say thanks to wade"
"thank you mister wade"
we both laughed at the fact she called him mister.

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