coming out video

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marks pov

Once we arrived home i pulled the moses basket right beside the bed and set baileigh into it. He slept so soundly didnt fuss at all ... i think tomorrow were gonna stay in no school either so its all good. "Actually Diana you sleep in here we will go down stairs"
she nodded as i took the moses basket apart and let jack hold baileigh "ugh your so cute! Yes you are yes you are!!" I presume baileigh has woke up "mark why is he so fricking cute!!"
"No idea but im gessing he gets it from me" i said setting up thw moses basket right beside the sofa me and jack laid down and instantly fell sleep.

"ill do it." I got up and sorted out baileigh who cried like hell. I bounced him about then i realised "he wants fucking milk you idiot"
I said to myself. I put the baby milk into the milk heater. Once it was done i took it out putting a little onto my wrist. I began to feed him "Y'know this is the first time your daddys fed a baby and im happy your the first... im just hopeing i dont drop you my baby bear"
i rocked him about then heard footsteps, i looked up to see levane standing there stretching "daddy can i have some oreos?"
"uhhh yeah here " i opened the cupboard as i took the bottle out of baileighs mouth "*starting to cry*"
"Oh baileigh dont fuss please" i handed levane the oreos "can i sit in here please?"
"ehh yeah your awake now so might aswell"
she pulled a step towards the counter and climbed up her little feet just proceeding over the edge. "D'you actually sleep with socks?"
"no i put them on when i get up to do anything even if its to just stretch my legs"
"oh... ohh baileigh you have a little sick there dont you! yes you do! levane pass me that tea towel"
she handed me it as i wiped the sick from,around baileighs mouth. I put the bottle back in then he began to stop drinking as milk pooled up"oh my god he is chokeing"
"NO HE IS GUZZLING!" Jack shouted still on the sofa half asleep. "And that means what?"
"it means you need to give him a chance to drink it" jack walked in and took baileigh from me and the bottle and waited a moment till the milk had gone down "there ya go" he drank all of the milk quite quick." Here im goin back sleep we still need to post videos tomorrow"
"i have a few pre recorded do you?"
"Yeah luckily" he slowly walked off and settled. "So levane do you like him?"
"hm? What? oh the baby ... yeah he's alright"
"hahaha i know that soon your gonna be all over him"
"pfffffft thats amazing ! Didnt know your phsycic or whatever it is" she carried on eating oreos "do you want to play some games?"
"YEAH the one we played with miss michelle "
"Lets get the baby upstairs " i went and got the moses basket and carried it upstairs levane followed me. We then walked into my recording room letting baileigh sleep the far end as me and levane played the game game(look it up marks played it ) "daddy can we play that?" She pointed to gmod sandbox which was lighting up since bob and wade wanted to play "uh yeah mister wade and bob are playing"
"OOOH bob is funny and mister wade i feep bad for him you two always be mean to him"
"we do it as a joke its alright"
"oh okay" we put on gmod as wade and bob showed up infront of me 'mark skype us we need to chat' he messaged on the little bulletin at the side . I started to skype them and when they answered "YOU BETRAYED US!!!!!" Bob shouted "bob shut the fuck up there is a baby sleeping other there!"
"you left LA you havent been answering our calls or texts or anything "
"Its been a busy few months by now"
"what running away with your BAE!"
"We didnt run away we decided its only fair if we move england so we both arent to far off home"
"Okay okay whatever now lets ..LEVANE! yesss lets see wade get his ass kicked by a 5 year old "
"Im six" we played Gmod sandbox and murder straight through till 9 am "*baby crying*"
"guys give me a moment i have to sort out the baby"

I walked over to baileigh and picked him up "awwh it wasnt too long ago that you had your milk so it .... it must be ... ahhh god you dropped one didnt you? Oh well daddy will sort it"
"mark did you just say daddy?"
"yeah why?...oh shit" i rushed out and into baileighs room to change him, he did i big one. I wiped him and put a new nappy on for him but i dont think i did it right "JAAAAACK CHANGE BAILEIGH I DONT THINK I DID IT RIGHT!" after a moment or two jack tiredly trudged in and over to me he kissed me and sorted out baileigh "oh your gonna have to teach me how to change a baby"
"yeah sure *yawn* i might record today ... SHIT WE NEED TO VLOG AMY AND US!"
" you really forgot about that?"

jacks pov

We went into my recording room "AMY LEVANE !!" They both ran in " okay mark levane baileigh you go other and sit on the sofa ill introduce you guys "

"TOP O' DA MORNIN' TO YA LADDIES!! today im doing a vlog with this little girl and with three others firstly say hi and introduce yourself "
I said to amy
"Hi ... my name is amy im four!"
"hahaha well me and my partner adopted amy back in ireland and well she had a rough time growing up i wont go into detail but id like to say thanks for watching and ill see all you dudes ... IN THE NEXT VIDEOOOO!!!" Me and amy looked at eachother " and high fives all around Wpsh wpsh" i said as me and amy high fived eachother "byee" amy said as i turned off the camera and looked to mark " ill post it in a moment" once i posted it i sat alone "hello every body im being a little calmer right now because there is a little sleeping being not to far off... i have been in a relation ship for nearly a year by the next two to three weeks ... firstly lets bring back amy .... if you watched markipliers video at the airport with a little girl well levane come here and finally ... septicplier fangirls will die right now... mark"
mark came over so the baby wasnt in sight "and jackiboy remember"
"oh yeah last night this little cutie was born !" Mark raised baileigh to the camera view "his name is baileigh lee fischbach he is at least 5 hours to 9 hours old by now... we got let straight out the hospital since him and his mother was healthy and well i think jack we should start a routine"
"yeah we will write one up later" we all smiled "and i also got a cool jacket !"
"Yeah we wont go into detail of how she got the jacket a-"
"i got this ring and a necklace"
"I got gloves and it was all from au- MMMMMMPPHHHH MMMM UMMMMPH" i covered levanes mouth "anyways thanks for watching and ill see all you dudes in the next video and high fives all around" we all high fived the air " and since this is also going onto my channel BUH-BYEEEEEE!!!"
"Daddy j-just no ... no " levane stuttered trying to talk with out laughing . I turned off the camera and began editing thwn posted the video

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