Theyre finally here

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Marks PoV

We headed to theatre . Me and Sean , scared of what will happen .

Hours later

I held levanes hand , and cries of little children came ringing through the room . Two babies , handed to me and Sean ." Twin girl and boy !" The doctor smiled .
" what do you want to name them ?" He asked
" starlyin .... And coda " Levane said tired and droopy " ." They're beautiful ." Sean cried . I stroked the baby boys head of wavy brown hair that contained ginger streaks he opened his eyes a tiny bit . Revealing dull green eyes . His skin tanned like mine .

Sean's PoV

I bounced the baby girl her dark brown hair like levanes , pale skin and blue eyes with a streak of brown going through . I cried with joy .
This is only short cause I'm making the extravagant ending !!! If you can't wait then leave a comment and I'll hurry up just for you guys . Il y'all

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