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Marks pov

I was swimming forcing my self to stay up surface I swam for what felt like forever then I saw a buoy I swam towards it and clenched the bars, I looked up at the light and climbed up a bit more then to be hit by another wave then .darkness.

Sailors pov

We were boating up to the shore after another long night of fishing for crabs and other things. "captain there's a buoy with something on it should we check it out?"
"Of course"
I walked to the front of the boat and shone my torch down and saw a boy about 17 16 years of age, "HELLO!" I shouted he didn't budge. I pulled him up on the boat "he's unconscious speed up the boat and get us to shore" he wasn't breathing and his heart was beating but very very slowly I had no idea what to do at this point I thought he was going to die. as we saw shore I called an ambulance and by the time we hit shore and got off the boat the ambulance turned up. they strapped him to a stretcher and wheeled him into the van I jumped in with him and watched as they pulled his coat off and all the heavy clothing leaving him in only in his boxers, he is kinda muscular for a boy of his age. they pulled off his glasses and handed them to me as they pumped oxygen into him.

at the hospital

They rested him in a bed and started to put a tube down his throat and connected it to a machine and you could see all the water being sucked out of his body. we were there for quite a while until no more water could be produced "there was 15 litres of water inside him" a doctor said and another jotted it down On her clipboard. they checked his heart rate and then rushed him to a ward and connected him to multiple machines his heart rate was slowly gaining track, they went through his files and found him and called his phone and the other phones in the house he was at I decided to leave with out leaving my number and saying get well.

Ryan's pov

The house phone was buzzing i didn't pick it up until it rung a third time "hello..." I said sadly "yes is this the mcloughlin residence?"
"Well this is the hospital could you come in please"
"We'll be there in an hour" I presumed this was for Sean's arms and somebody told the hospital. We got in a taxi and headed up they took us to a room and we saw a body covered in a blanket they say us all down and covered our view with the curtains " cmon wake up" the doctor whispered "damn"they pulled the curtain back and we saw a body dark hair strong build glasses on the side he was awake but not looking at anybody staring into the void. "Mr mcloughlin" SEAN wasn't looking he was looking down head in hands. the boy turned on his side and gasped then settled. I stood up and trailed round to the boys view "hey buddy" I smiled he ignored me then I sat down again " bud look " I said to SEAN and he looked up he examined the boy he stood up and firmly rested his hand on his arm "no it's not" hes at down again crying "yes it is" I pointed at the boy "go" SEAN looked at me trust fully and walked around The bed helpings at the boy who's head tilted to look at SEAN the boy jolted upward and hugged SEAN hugged back "I th-th-thought you died.." SEAN cried "I thought y-you left an-an-a-no didn't care" they boy said "markimoo I love you from here to the ends of the universe and back" SEAN cried into marks shoulder "SEAN I love you into every void back and out again"
Mark is alive... I saw a note on the side and it read "hope you get well this is my number call me" no name nothing just those simple words.a doctor walked in "okay Mark was unconcious for over 5 hours on that buoy and the time know is 2am and he had 15 litres of water from the sea inside him he's lucky the captain of S.S Duncan brought him here or he would have either drowned or slowly died of hunger Or the amount of water inside of him" Sean's jaw dropped " oh and he might be sick a lot cause of all the fluids that came out and the water was dirty anyways" we were terrified
Mark leaves in 6 days well we all do "but when can he leave?" Ken said "in 2 days"the doctor said phew...

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