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marks pov

I walked and walked up the street suitcase in hand, just thinking where did i go wrong? did i just make a mistake being with him or will this bring us closer... he is stubborn i doubt it. I turned the corner and i saw levane,amy, me and sean playing it was a bright vision then i disappeared. They still played but not like at the begining. Then sean disappeared . The girls were alone. At first it was sparkly and shiny but now it is dark and gloomy. The girls hugged eachother then they were gone. I shook my head and kept walking, i kept seeing things of us 4 playing or just having fun. I walked all the way to seans moms house.

I knocked the door and waited. "Hello?"
"Hi mrs.mcloughlin?"
"Yeah its me"
" its mark is it okay if i stay here for a while?"
she opened the door "why what happened?"
"Me and sean kinda fell out and he doesnt want me there he kinda kicked me out" i rubbed my neck
"He is just as stubborn as his father come in come in the girls are still awake" i walked in and took my shoes off as carol motioned me to follow her"we have a second spare room so you can sleep there"I nodded and set my things down. I walked down stairs and it led me to the kitchen. I then walked into another room which was empty, i followed into the kitchen and to the next door and i saw the girls sat watching tv and eating oreos as usual "hey girls!" I sat beside them. They looked up at me "hi mark" levane said and amy just waved "mark why are you here?"
"Um well im staying for a while cause jack is..... busy!"
"oh so were going to see you every weekend?"
"You could say that"
"whats that supposed to mean?"
"n-nothing really"
she is smart for a girl of her age
" well me and jack fell out and he has kicked me out of the house "
"Oh....." she is in on it
"But your going back wight???" Amy asked "im not sure amy.... i dont think we will ever talk again"
"then im staying here with you mark isnt that right amy?"
"yeah and i am too"
"sorry girls your gonna have,to go back he doesnt want me seeing you"
"so if we want to we can" well i couldnt have said it better. We laid there then the girls drifted off. And so did i.

Jacks pov

I laid in bed tossing and turning.
I looked at the clock "11:34" i closed my eyes but nothing so i looked at the clock again 11:34 still.... i rolled over again and it felt like forever. I turned again 11:35..... and after that i had a long long night..... no sleep at all... i hope marks okay where would he be? Actually this is why we fell out cause of me not sleeping and everything else.... im bored. I got out of bed and set up my recording set. "*Yawn* top o' d' mornin' to ya laddies my name is jacksepticeye and im doing a vlog........ well its just that im in i mean was in a relationship and well we fell out .... i just want to know is it wrong to kick them out and miss them? and its that i saod that they couldnt see two small people in our care......... its just that im not sure if i should bring them back to live with me and be together..." i started to cry a little which then turned into alot. I wiped them but they still remained in my eyes "im so sorry i shouldnt be crying like this its just....its just i never actually told you who i was with and i never told you i was*sniff* g-gay ....and we adopted two girls who had shit pasts and one got her nose broken cause she fell.... any ways thanks for watching and punch that like button in the face like a boss, and high fives all around. ill see all you dudes in the next video!" i stopped recording and edited it a small bit then posted it. I sighed and picked up my phone and clicked the name.... i waited and waited then he answered "jack why are you calling me this early well late?"
"Well i wanted to ask is it wrong to kick someone out and then miss them?"
"Yes and no why?"
"me and mark fell out ...... and i said he cant see levane and amy"
"who are they?"
"girls we adopted..."
"okay me and ryan will be over in the morning"
"Whut no im sleepy i dont wanna goooooooo" i heard ryan in the back
"Im going neeeeeeed sleeeeep"

It was a long ass night i was bored as hell nothing to do at all. So all night i just watched "his" videos hope you know who "he" is.

Marks pov

I jolted upright in the middle of the night and looked around i was on the sofa at carol mcloughlins..... the girls were still laid beside me, i picked them up and carried them to bed. I walked back down stairs and sat down on the sofa......... why? Whats the point...... should i even bother anymore.... i cant record cause my equiptment is at his house.... i have to find him.

Jacks pov

I walked past the spare room and noticed something. I took a step back and saw his ipad,equiptment his passport and plane ticket on the desk and bed. God. I need to find him.

I pulled my stuff on so i was fully dressed i grabbed everything and put it in a backpack and just one strapped it then i ran out the door in hope he was roaming.

Marks pov

I was now fully dressed. I ran out the door. In hope he was around. I ran and ran and ran to the point i was weak but the only thing that gave me power was to see his face. I turned a corner still running then saw someting then hit it.

Jacks pov

I ran and slowed down then sped back up just thinking of seeing him was why i kept running. Then i turned a,corner and saw something and i was too late to stop.

I hazily opened my eyes looking around, my knee killed and something heavy was on top of me i couldnt tell what it was so i pushed,it off. Looking at it but i couldnt do it i was too weak,tired and sleepy so i slowly let sleep take over me.

Marks pov

I woke up not opening my eyes then i felt something move beneath me then i hit the hard ground...... i opened my eyes and looked around i saw a backpack on the floor then i looked over to the opposite side "SEAN!" I sat upright and looked at him, he mustve been hit harder. I shook him a little but nothing so i figured he is still unconcious... nothing that bad i hope. I searched for his keys and put them in my pocket. I put on the backpack and picked him up. His head rested on my casted arm. I walked up the street and to his house.

I unlocked the door and sat hem down. i decided to leave i grabbed the bag and left. As i walked to the door i had to do it one last time, i turned and collided our lips then left.

Jacks pov

I felt a soft feeling on my lips then a slam. I slowly woke up, i stood up and walked to the front door. I opened it slowly and saw a man with a back pack on and bed head hair style.... its him....  i ran up behind him, i turned him around and pressed my lips against his. I opened my eyes to see him wide eyed. The kiss lasted forever then i finally moved back and leaned my head onto his shoulder "i missed you" he stood there then realised it was me.  He hugged "I missed you too" i felt warm liquid on my back, i started to cry too i stood back he kept hold if my waist as i bagan to couress his face "you wanna go home?" He nodded and kept hold of my hand as we walked happily together back to bed not a empty and cold one... a warm and filled bed

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