back home with a monster

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Marks pov

I woke up early hours around about 4 am. I checked the plane time and its in 5 hours. I got dressed and headed to wake levane "levane .... cookie wake up"
"*cute and soft snores*"
"cookie cmon wake up" the snores she created were so cute and soft "whaaaaa?" She tiredly looked up at me "we have to go some where for a while only a couple months "
"Only if you make me an omlet"
"*Sigh* okay just get up" she smiled propping herself up and slipping out of bed, she followed me downstairs as i flicked the cooker on. "watcha want in it ?"
"onions,little salt and cheese"
"Of course cheese"
I started making myself and levane an omlet as she slowly walked over to me. I began plating everything up as she sat down and i stood leaning against the side, she munched happily on the omlet "thish ish good" she said mouth full of food. We both smiled at eachother as i shook my head. "Maark ?"
"yes cookie"
"Are you at maximum floofitude?"
"lemme check..." i said smiling. I bobbed my hair sideways"yup i am ... no nuggies today or i wont let you get a coloring book at the airport"
we laughed " i know that you know that i know you wouldnt do that marki" levane giggled. We laughed about silly things and then went. I called the taxi to drop us off at the air port early. I wrote a note for sean 'to sean+amy

me and levane left early so we could eat,sleep, relax and buy stuff for occupation we...well i ... dont know when we will be back but im sure its soon and hopefully not too long. Its just Since we got the girls its going to be harder for us to do things and were gonna have to ... "sacrifice" some things but as always love you lots and ill skype you when we get to LA
XxxxxmarkxxxxX' i set the note in clear view and wrote "read" in big bold letters then the taxi's horn went.
"Levane c'mon get your jacket and coat on were going now"
She put her jacket and coat on then picked up the dog "put the dog down we cant take her im sorry"
"No buts levane we cant take her we cant afford it yet"
"awwwh" i could see the tears welling up in her eyes "no no no no please dont cry" she began to squeeze her eyes shut, then the tears fell "BUT WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY??!!!" I giggled a little " cmon lets go if you dont cry any more we can have my moms dogs round" she stopped crying as i pulled the suitcases out the door and waited as levane shut it then we got in the car and relaxed.

At the airport

Once we arrived i instantly got everything and levane, we then rushed to the front desk showing the lady my passport and giving in the forms for levanes unexistant passport then we were led to the terminal and right next to the gate. Then as i set our stuff on the conveyor belt and then we went to buy our things. "Levane im going to call my mom and we can have the dogs round okay?"
"umhm" she nodded being more intrested in toys and food "you can have at the upmost 20 euros okay?"
"YAI!" She jumped up hugging me "so ... what food are we getting?
"You wanna get a small cheap snack
Or get a big meal then get a snack on the plane?"
"um get a big meal now"
"oki doki loki" i smiled and we went to the resturant.

After we had ate we had at least 1 hour until we get on the plane so i decided i need to let the world know i have a daughter.I called jack and waited "hello mark i saw yoir note and okay but yes?"
"well is it okay if we tell youtube Bout the girls?"
"hm okay then.... we should do each girl seperatly then all come together and we could tell about our relation ship?"
"yeah that sounds good"
"okay then"
"anyways i need to go we need to get ready to leave"
"okay then bye love you"
"Love you too jackie boy" He ended the call then i sat levane down shushing her " began to record "hello everybody! My name is markiplier and i just wanted you to know about a little being in mine and my partners care.... we adopted her and her sister about 1 month ago no 2 months ago and it was the first day i arrived in ireland so im going to introduce the eldest right now" i pulled levane next to me as she waved shyly and then laughed "okay cookie tell the world about your self"
"Im levane and this is my daddy mark" i smiled more as she continued talking then i hugged her "okay everybody ... check out jacksepticeyes channel for other updates on this and ill see you in the next video ..." i looked at levane who then said"buh- bye" we both waved as i turned off the camera. "CAN GATE 5 HEAD TO THE TICKET DESK AGAIN CAN GATE 5 HEAD TO THE TICKET DESK YOUR PLANE LEAVES IN 25 MINUETS" the tannoy went as we got our occupation and left to the gate and we were the only people there until we walked through the gate and like a whole village of people ran to the desk. We walked up to the plane and got our seats and levane had a window seat whilst i had a lane seat and no one was sitting beside us so i put our bags down and went on my phone whilst levane used a coloring book. What if she doesnt like LA?should i have taken amy? ... nah she will love the complex.... ive missed my little biscuit and all of my teddies ... for jack to keep something of me close im gonna send him a tbt and a plush of me....hahaha the look on his face would be hilarious. I instantly went online and ordered them and paying having them sent to his address. I just cant wait to see charlie and maggie ive missed them so much.

After the flight

Once we arrived to my complex i pulled out the keys trying to find them out of every other key ring i own. We got in and i let levane wonder around for a while, i smelt something ..... rotten. I searched for the smell as i ended up in the kitchen i opened the cupboards, to see ants ants and flies all around them. I emptied them out anf put them in a black bag and then checked the fridge noticing some rotten chiken i put it in the black bag .looks like im going shopping.

I shouted levane "COOKIE! WERE GOING SHOPPING!!!!" she came running down the stairs. Smiling "can i sit in the front?" i nodded smiling myself. We took our drive in my black car, i began to think what about her schooling should i school her myself until we can figure stuff out? Ill find out soon enough.
We arrive at the store, i got out checking how much money i took from the box .... 100 dollars okay lets get shopping! I took levane round and as she threw junk in i threw it back out only collecting the foods needed and a bit of junk. Then i noticed .POP TAAAARRTS!!!!!!! And all the flavours so i grabbed them 2 of every one then i came round to the alcohol (not sure if thats how you spell it i forget) section ... well i could get some beer and whiskey and shit just for a drunk minecraft. Eh who cares ill pick them up later, we walked to the till. The lady looked at me then smiled "hey is that your daughter?" I looked at levane whobwas playing on my phone
"Yeah mine and my boyfriends"
"oh is he sick or something i usually see couples here all the time always sometimes id see a whole family here"
"well he is back in ireland with our other daughter ... he is irish and originally lives there but we have to do a long term thingy since weve travled back and forth for nearly 3 months"
"ah okay ... wait your markiplier right?" I nodded
"Omg my brother and sister love you"
"how old are they?"
"my sister is 7 and my brother is 9"
"so how old are you?"
"Ohh okay then whats their names i can probably send a photo saying thanks for liking my channel"
"thatd be great ! Their names are harvi H-A-R-V-I and molly" she handed me her phone as i took a photo editing onto it 'to harvi and molly thanks for liking my channel and i indvidually love you guys so much xoxo markiplier' the girl smiled as i handed her phone back " thanks and thats $73.50 " i handed it to her "thanks" i said waving as i pushed the shopping cart to my car as i packed it i also watched levane push the cart away to its original spot.

We arrived home and levane was just excited since she asked for the dogs. "When will the dogs be here?"
"tomorrow or the day after"
i was grouchy now just because im tired and have jet lag."im hungry"
"for god sake okay im gonna make you some noodles cause i need sleep"
"whats that supposed to mean?" I growled "it means that im not having noodles im having pizza" okay okay okay she just said ... she just god...." okay whatever pizza it is then"

after levanes pizza we went bed she slept in the guest room with the ipad and i just went sleep in my cold bed.
"Maarki whats thiiiiis?"
levane woke me up slightly "what?" I looked at her she had my poptarts " pop tarts down" i said sternly "why?"
"put . Them . Down" she threw them at me and ran away "YOUR IN BIG TROUBLE YOUNG LADY" i shouted scrambling after her, i ran after her then i couldnt find her i felt vibration on the cast i turned to see levane smiling then i grapped her but she slipped out of my grasp and crawled under me running off "uuuuuuuuuugggggghhhhh" i groaned running again i decided im not going to bother and went back bed and its only 2 pm sean and amy would be in bed themselves

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