Stay with me

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Marks PoV

I bounced starlyin carefully . 7 am they wake up . 7 .a . Fracking .m I'm not even up till 8 . I smiled at the baby who was wide awake " hello little honey . Who is beautiful ? You are ! You look just like your mommy ." I baby talked to her as she wriggled in my arms . " Sèan . Can you get me her bottle please . " Sèan replied with " I have coda right now ! " I sighed with a smile and headed into the kitchen to retrieve the bottle . I gave it to her as she cried slightly . Asking for more .

Amy's PoV

I got up . Straight the way . And headed for breakfast . " hello daddy " I said " morning . "
" had Levane contacted the father yet ?"
" not what I know of , no " he nodded " oh starlyin ! She is adorable right?"
" she has your eyes . The blue . The brown from Levane . "
" and look at coda . Forest eyes and ginger hair . Where'd that come from ?" The dad I guess " I'm going into the back garden . " I slipped out the door my feet engulfed into the wet morning due . I looked toward the end of the garden . Some trees closely planted together sat there . I want to adventure . I headed toward it and behind it was something small . I can only make out a door . Or is it a window ? " Amy ! Come get some breakfast !" Daddy shouted ." Coming !" I followed myself up to the door and went inside to eat . Levane and the boys trailed down like zombies into the kitchen . " I'm so tired dad." Baileigh mentioned " then why did you get up ?"
" I dunno " we all ate and then started out our day .

Sean's PoV

I held coda close . He looked like a porcelain doll . Nose so small and petite . Mouth and lips . Perfect . Hair, eyes all of it . He didn't move a lot . He wasn't lively . Just calm . Until the door bell rang but that's out of the question . I answered and the two twins stood there " hello Sam . Tim ."
" hi mr . Fischbach! "Tim said
"What would you like ?"
" our mum said can she have some tea bags until tomorrow and we were going to the park and wanted to know if remi and baileigh are coming out ?." I nodded come in they're up in their rooms and I'll get Amy to drop off the tea bags . " they nodded scuttling in and heading upstairs . Brenda always forgets to collect tea bags so we usually get extra bags so she can borrow some . The group of boys came hurrying down stairs . " boys !" I said as I set coda down . " take this to your mother please " I handed one of the twins the sandwich bag filled with about 12 tea bags to him as he ran out the door with his three followers .

Remi 's PoV

Sam came out the house with his toy plane . " we'll go park and fly it !" I smiled and we both ran towards the park " baileigh Tim c'mon !" The other two stood together talking quietly . "Coming " we all ran together

Baileigh PoV

As we got to the park me and Tim climbed into a tree. Sitting on a large branch . " so " I said " not a lot to say really ." I said " I-it's fine,really it is . I just wasn't really sure myself ." I edged closer to him . " I've never held hands with a boy "I said " how bout we try it ?" He rested his hand down closer to mine as he turned it " uh , " I stopped "y-yeah ." I slowly put my hand into his . " this ... " I dragged " is nice " Tim finished . " what would your mum and dad say ? " I asked (remember the boys grew up in Britain and are still there ) " about holding hands with me ." I finished ." I think my mum wouldn't care but my dad ... I think he will be Angry ." Tim , being eight and so is Sam , he can understand this more . When I turn eight at the end of this month . And coda and starlyin were born yesterday so that makes them born on January the 12th . Remi's birthday is the 28th of May . ( I forgot to put in the birthdays my bad ) back to the point . " have you ... Have you ever ..." I started
" what ?"Tim looked at me " have I ever ... Kissed a boy?"
" yeah" I said silently . " no . But I'd like to . Just out of curiosity " he looked back down . I watched as Sams plane flew past .

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