The wrong crowd

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Amy's pov

I sat in the taxi waiting for daddy and Levane to get out the air port " how long will they be !?" I asked dad " I'm not sure just give them a moment they should be out anytime soon" he said back. I got out the vehicle and started kicking stones. My white and green huraches getting scuffed up. " I'm going in to look for them " I sighed looking at dad " okay just don't get lost keep your phone close." He said " can we go with Amy? " remi asked looking at me " please dad !" I said
" yes fine go on " the two boys jumped out the taxi and followed me into the big building. We ran around looking for   The two raven haired people both wearing a beanie and both wearing a pair of grey jeans. I jogged up behind my sister and dived on her " Amy ! Stop it !" She growled throwing me off her " I was only playing " I sighed as she grabbed me ruffling my hair " hey!"
" I'm only playing " she mimicked me copying my voice. She stopped and put her beanie back on. I watched as daddy put both of the boys on his shoulders. " so when will they be-" I was cut off by a squealing Levane. She ran to the two holding hands. Michelle and Ryan. I love them an all but I just don't want to do something to hurt them. "Hey so did Kirsten get put in jail?"
" yeah she is in there for 20 years " Levane had her conversation with her fave uncle and aunt.
" there's my little mathematician !" Bob smiled grabbing remi and hugging him . " so where's that little monster ?" Felix smiled looking for baileigh. Ken and wade chatted with mark. We all got back into the taxi.

Jacks PoV

I chatted away with Felix whilst Levane and Michelle was occupied with crys story mark Bob and wade organised a drunk mine craft and Ken laughed whilst Amy and the boys explained how their week has been. It was only yesterday that me and Levane became ' friends again'

At home

Levanes PoV

I sat on my bed when cry handed me a box which contained a jumper that said " rawr!!! Are you scared yet ??" And it had a little Marshall lee from adventure time in a tiger suit growling at prince gumball. And a pair of converse that had A hand painted Marshall lee and gumball on it " thanks cry ! How'd you know I -" I was cut off to see someone tumble out my wardrobe. " A.J !? I completely forgot about you ! You've been there since yesterday !"
" nnnggghhh I think I'm getting worse ... "
" I'm grounded ... I can't get you out the house "
" who is this?" Ryan asked " a close friend he was beat up yesterday and i brought him back here to help him!"
Cry scooped him up and slung him over his shoulder slipping down the ladders into the hall way.i followed on as cry handed me the boys limp body and ran downstairs and out the back door " Ryan!" I whisper screeched he looked up and waved. I sighed with relief and listened to Ryan's instructions , following what he said I went and chucked down an old sheet and then put Anthony onto the window edge " l-Levane don't kill m-me "
" bro I wouldn't do that for the world just relax okay I won't do anything to hurt you " I pushed him back his face turned to fear. Cry caught him clear and safely  " now you get down here !" He whispered I shook with fear. I'm ten metres from the ground and I need to jump. " n-no!!" I whispered "it's the only way I'll catch you I swear" he whispered back " trust me I'm your uncle Ryan when have I ever lied to you ?" I sighed and then recalled the time he gave me extra extra extra hot wings when I was 6 and he said that they were just dipped in jalapeño sauce died down with ketchup. I looked down to my huraches. Closing my eyes I stepped into the window and then looked down at Ryan. I let go of the sides then turned falling backwards squeezing my eyes shut. I felt two strong arms at my back and legs " oh my fuck!" I hugged Ryan. We got up and ran Anthony into the car that Michelle hired out.

Marks PoV

" baileigh just go out and play Levane is in her room probably listening to her music so just stop trying!" I told baileigh off for trying to say that Levane and cry ran off with this boy who looked dead."DAD! I swear I watched her jump out the window ! " the seven year old said angrily "just go tell Levane that dinner is ready "
"Why doesn't any one ever listen to me !?" He walked away . Levane has rubbed off on baileigh a little.... He gets told off at school and has very low grades but Levane isn't like that she gets suspended so much but when she is at school ... Her grades are high! Amy and remi are both very behaved and Levane try's to blame Amy for nearly everything! Remi just avoids the two bad kids in the house and sticks with Amy.baileigh came back down " dad she isn't in there " he sung Sean ran upstairs and shouted down " MARK SHE ISNT IN THERE!"  He screamed accent at the roof. The whole house frantically looked for her and cry but couldn't find her. I pulled out my phone and called the police " hello 999 how can i help you?" (999 it's England remember ?) " my daughter and friend have gone missing !"
" how long have they been missing ?"
" like nearly an hour I'd say my friend walked out and my daughter isn't in her room or the house !"
" okay I'll send an officer down and he can take notes" I thanked the lady and put the phone down.

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