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Marks pov

Wade had taught me how to work levanes hair and its doing good. I walked to the spare room to see levane doing her abc and 123's i stood over her and watched her she is really smart but only her abc's she has one maths sum which is wrong. "Levane"
"wha!" She jumped
"Sorry but do you want some help?"
"um no"
"with your maths"
"okay then" i kneeled next to her as i wrote 1-5 and we did addition then multiplying and finally division but she still needed alot of help. I couldnt bare it any longer "levane tomorrow morning im going to get you into school" she stopped writing "um i-i dont think i can"
"And why is that?"
"um cuase i will be ummm be be be ummmmmm LONLEY yeah ill be lonley "
"thats why its called puplic school there will be lots of children your age there" she pulled a sad face then just started writing again so i left her to it.

The next day

We got out the car and headed to the school o was thinking of. Rushey mead junior school levane dragged herself behind me "come on your going to love it"
"But whyyyyyyy i dont wanna" she whined "levane this is your last chance"
"No im not giving into you this time so hurry up"
I had to be stern at some point and she is just needy alot of the time. Once wegot inside i went straight to the front desk and waited as levane followed "hello ive come to get my daughter into school"
"okay whats your last name "
" go round that corner just go round this corner and then you will be at the headmasters room"
"Much appreciated" i walked round the corner to see a door which said 'princple' i walked towards it and knocked "come in"
a feminine voice said softly as i walked inside. Her eyes lit up as i pulled in levane "oh such a beutiful little girl" she said trailing round towards her "aha thanks" i said
"Oh sorry sit down sit down so what can i do for you?"
"well i came to get my daughter into this school" i said pushing my glasses up "well then whats her name age and date of birth"
" levane barry-gallagher she is 5 years old"
"Okay now when is her birthday?"
"well about that i dont know it"
"is this a wind up?"
"no its just that me and my boyfriend adopted her and her sister about 4 weeks ago and their files havent been sent to my boyfriend then i had to come back here cause i only booked a 1 month stay in ireland and then we found the girls in an old place and we adopted them since their dad had killed their mom and yada yada ya"
"Oh so will you be able to get her date of birth?"
"well thats a scale of 1-10"
"Okay then we can have her in the school but we need her documents by friday" and thats when my phone buzzed. "Excuse me"
"oh no problem"
I read the words "bby cakes"
"hello babe"
"hey baby how are you we havent spoke for a while"
"what a day?" I laughed
"Yeah yeah but i have got the papers" jack said proudly
"What how!?" I asked surprised
"Well lets say the guy was bisexual and liked small irish men" i smiled at first but frowned
"One moment is it okay if i leave levane with you for five minuets?" i aimed at the head, she nodded and i walked out to my car "so you did what?"
"i just flirted a little and got the papers" he said with a little insecurity roaming in his voice "and is that it?"
"Truth fully"
"Y-y-y-yes its a-all i did s-swear" i think i was scaring him a little
"And when did you get these papers?"
"y-yesterday m-morning"
"so did this 'guy' do anything else?"

Jacks pov

I was shaking quite alot by now. Mark was pushing the limits with my
Emotions and i was scared. I did do something with the reseptionist guy but he already gave me the papers and i pushed him off so i explained


""Hello how can i help you" i stood confused to see who the man was talking to "m-me?"
I said
"No my manager"
"O-oh sorry"
"how can i help you ?"
"i need the birth papers for Levane and Amy barry-gallagher"
"are you in any way related to them?"
"how do i know your not a pedophile?",
"cause me and my partner adopted them"
"have you got the papers to accept their adoption?"
"well we havent been called for that yet"
"then im sorry but i cant give you the papers"
I stood dumb founded.
I thought for a moment then i mentally punched myself i can just flirt hopefully i dont get punched" wait so just cause im homo sexual means im a pedophile?"
"no im bisexual but im working here you dont see me in prison do you?"
"well do you think we could work something out?" i said lustfully. The guy looked at me and raised his eyebrow "what do you mean?" Pointed to the disabled toilets, "its roomy more room means it can be quick" he let his eyebrow down and started typing "levane barry-gallagher" he sat there and clicked something then typed again "and was that amy barry-gallagher spelt A -M-Y?" i nodded then something printed and another thing he then stapled them together and handed them to me "ill need a second copy of them both please" once he did that i walked to the toilet letting him follow

(Once the guy was naked and i was shirtless ) i opened the door pushing him out and screamed "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I then ran out shirt in hand bag in the other " HEEEEEEELLLLPPPP MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!" I ran over behind a lady "help me" i fake shaked my voice "WHAT? YOU BRIBED ME FOR PAPAERS!!!!!"
"no what papers ?" I still had a shaky voice but the papers were folded up in my trousers and not the pocket "

End of surprisingly long flashback that was very weird :-)

"Okay mark?"
"ohhhh the ol' swippy swappy"
"yes" i sighed with releif
"Thats my baby cake"
"i like cake and babies so baby+cake =youuu" i beamed
"Awwwh thanks "
"now ive got to go but .... when can you come back or when can we come to you?"
"in a couple months jack i mean sean in a couple months i swear"
"by the way the papers im sending amy's too"
"oh okay um when will they be here?"
"around about thursday"
"perfect .... just like you" he said which made me blush so so hard i then looked at my arm reading what was visible "perfect" i said to myself "any ways i have to go trying to get levane into school"
"okay see you .... in a few months"
"im skyping you tonight dont worry about it and i swear i will skype you every night at 4 pm but for you 11 pm"
"okay.... promise?"
"unless something comes up ill message you but yes promise... no crosses included
Cross my heart,
Hope to fly.
Stick a cupcake in my eye!" he said "see you mark" i laughed "BUH-BYEEEE" he shouted doing his outro" love you" he whispered then put the phone down.

Marks pov

I put my phone in my pocket and left my car and went back to the principles office. Once i got in i saw levane writing on the white board and surprisingly she was being very ..... how can i put this ..... different. She scrawled a few times and she wasnt doing to well with the questions "ive had enough" she raised her voice " miss gallagher you need alot of help especially with your maths but english is stupendous"
"But its all just so wrong how is that right ? it isnt"
"Such a temper if i see too much of this then ill arrange certain classes for her" she said looking at me and i just nodded"and since its only the start of the day we can show her around and she can start tomorrow " i smiled and followed her "and by the way its a non uniform school" levanes head cocked up faster than you could say 'tiny box tim is my little biscuit' "what foes that mean?"
"you can wear what you want"
She was officially happy now "YAY!!!"

sorry i havent been updating my internet is down and i used my data connection i will updating on weekends until 21st of may and by then i will be updating regularly eg:on my way to school, throughout my maths lessons,english,science,break,lunch,at home when im not busy, when i walk from school and at night so im hoping no body is outside getting ready to shoot me cause of this

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