The 'thing ' that happened to sean

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Sean's PoV

I sat on the sofa waiting for mark to come with my food. It was only a couple of days ago that Levane got back. I've loved every moment with mark and the kids, having Levane gone has made me feel like shit. 

Mark sat beside me as I ate the small plate of salad. I'm eating small until I'm back on track. I zoned out . I thought back on when I met mark again all those years ago. When he looked after me, when he broke his arm , when I fucked up Yami , and when we got together. I slowly started drifting from my thoughts then I snapped back into them when I remembered when I was ... Raped. The floor , the puddles , the dumpster , the guy , the moans and the displeasure ( that's actually a word !?) what if it happens to the kids ? Or mark even !? Cause as I was always told There's always someone stronger than you . He sat next to me , looking at me . The guy, when he threw me to the floor once he was done. I started crying as I dropped my fork. Rubbing my eyes I tried so so hard to get rid of the years but ... The more I tried the more they fell. Mark Hugs me tightly " shhhh shhhh what's wrong ?"
" I-I just remembered ... H-h-how he-h-he -" I was cut off by a flash of air having to escape my lungs, too fast for me, i began hyperventilating. " Sean ? Breath! In through your nose out through your mouth " mark said a little too calm for my liking. I followed what he said.

Once I began to breathe properly mark asked me again " what's wrong "
" I-I remembered how I -I was r-r-raped " mark sighed " it's okay . That was back then . Barely nine years ago. It won't happen again . Not to the kid to me and especially you " he rubbed circles on my back. Mark raised my left hand " look at this. These rings are here to show how I love you and how I will always stay with you, and never leave you to be hurt or killed " I looked at the rings on our fingers. Then to my own finger looking at the gold ring and then to the silver , red and green gem , ring . Mark slipped his ring off then mine. " read inside ' Mark & Sean. Never one alone ' you know what this means ? " I nodded " this means I can never ever leave you alone I made that promise in my vows  and those vows are printed in a frame, mine and yours . Because we both know that those vows are true as fuck "  I smiled. Mark started to tear up " I-I couldn't let you get hurt cause if I ever did ... I don't know what I would do with my self ." Like those couple years ago when we had that argument . I didn't think I had it in me to hit you. " I sighed with a laugh " I know ... I know ..."
" and what did I do the next few days after ?"
" you stuck by me and didn't leave me..."
Remember when we were kids and you were being bullied what did I do ?"
" you stuck up for me ..."
" and when you were sad what did I always do ?"
" ..." This one was hard " y-you always took me somewhere to cheer me up ..." I smiled and hugged Mark " and that's what imma do . Take you and the kids out for a meal tonight "

( you'll understand this time skip very  soon so trust me )

2 months later

Levanes PoV

I sat in the living room watching the t.v then in burst tommie " hey! How are you?" He asked " I'm great you?" I replied " never been better" he smiled. He has never been happier. We walked up to his room And sat down. He rummaged inside his Jean pocket and pulled out a packaging. I looked at it confused then realised " n-no no no no no ! Were thirteen and fourteen I'm way too young for ... That" his smile turned to grimace " c'mon please " he begged " NO" he growled a little then disappeared.

Tommies PoV

I walked into my bathroom and looked in a drawer , a sewing needle. Taking the small piece of metal I pierced the condom. I growled a laugh and walked back into the room. To see Levane sat down watching t.v again . I put the package on the side. Crawling into the bed beside Levane .  This is what I want and I'll fucking get it . I slipped in front of her and sat down. Pulling myself forward I opened her legs a little so I could lay on her comfortably. " what are you doing?" She laughed. I said nothing . I pushed her down on the bed. Pinning her arms above her head. " tommie" she asked. I leaned down and whispered in her ear " you . Are . Mine" she shivered. I started to kiss her . She didn't move away she pushed into my lips for more

Levanes PoV

I wanted him to stop so I had to use my head to push him away. I was pushing into his kiss to get him off but I was too weak. He pulled off his shirt and trousers. I shook with fear. He slipped off of me and opened the condom wrapper. Once he had it on he climbed back on me, pulling my clothes of leaving me in nothing . Is this .. Rape?

After ' that' happened

I laid on the bed wrapped in the blankets scared of what he could do to me. Tommie went out for a while and left me to get myself together.
I got up and dressed and left out.

Once I arrived home Mark was sat at the dining table writing down stuff and Sean was cooking with Amy. God knows where the boys are but oh well. I haven't heard from Anthony and I want to see him badly. " Levane? " I looked up to see Amy stood looking at me " y-yeah?"
" what's up with you?"
" m-nothing" I stuttered. I'm obviously traumatised cause I was freaking raped ! " sis are you sure " she walked closer . I stepped back . Closer . Back . Closer . Back . Closer . Out the door " LEVANE !" She ran out the door . The tears trickled down my face as I ran away.  My phone buzzed. " h-hello?" It was tommie " hi babe .. I have something to tell you... I'm moving to Africa in four days ..." I smiled slightly . No more (I forgot to say this includes domestic violence and there was supposed to be a rape warning I'm so sorry) hitting me . No more insulting me . No more him.

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