Chapter 14~Something Big~

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Something big I feel it happening, out of my control.

-Shawn Mendes

Chapter 14~Something Big~

I was silent as Carmine got us out of the city, still too overwhelmed to ask him any more than what he'd told me.

The earlier numbness I'd felt had faded away, replaced by something that set my insides on fire. Even if Carmine told me nothing else, I wanted even with Red. Everything had been a lie, my entire life at Red. Claret had used me, for whatever screwed up reason she had.

I wondered briefly how many people knew, but then that led me to think about who had been lacing my food with drugs. It had to have been someone close to me.

A warning signal went off in my head. Don't go there, I told myself sternly. Not yet.

So I dragged myself out of my depressing thoughts and focused on the road. "How much longer?" I asked Carmine. I felt like there was a clock looming over me, counting down the seconds until I knew the truth. I never would have thought I'd feel so conflicted over my own history. I wanted to here what else he would tell me.

I knew what he'd told me, but I still couldn't wrap my head around it. How could something that had never happened, be so clear in my memory? I wanted to deny it.

Carmine looked over at me for a few seconds, before turning his gaze back to the road. "A few more hours. We should be okay for a few days, they'll be too busy searching the city." I nodded, turning my attention elsewhere.

The night was dark with barely any moonlight, and the highway was beginning to quite down. The occasional semi truck or car passed us, and I had to force myself not to flinch. Claret wouldn't know about us yet. She couldn't.

Yet. That was the operative word.

I leaned my head against the window, closing my eyes. Sleep called to me like an old friend, offering the escape I so desperately craved.


"She looks exhausted. I hate to think about what they've been doing to her." The sudden sound of Carmine's voice edged me towards the waking world. I focused on my body, slowly realizing I was laying on some sort of soft silky material, and an even weight covered me. A bed? Were we at the safe house already?

Another, unfamiliar voice penetrated my thoughts. "Don't tell me you didn't expect this, Carmine." I had a strange feeling they weren't talking about me. "You knew it would eventually come to this all along."

I wanted to know who Carmine was talking to, and what exactly they were talking about, but that was all that was said. The following silence was enough to make my ears ring, and I could almost imagine the expression Carmine was wearing. I shifted slightly, pretending to wake up. I just barely caught his last words.

"I think it'd be better if you let me explain a few more things to her first, Cas. And I'd appreciate it if you could warn Shani to keep her distance for now." I opened my eyes, sitting up just in time to see a man disappear behind a door, before Carmine's body filled my vision.

"Hey, red."

I flinched at the subtle reminder of everything that had happened. "Don't call me that." I said flatly.

Carmine winced. "Right sorry." He held out a hand, running the other through his hair. "C'mon, I'll give you a quick tour. Then we can talk."

I took his hand, ignoring the way my breath wanted to catch in my throat, and sliding the blankets off my body. "Where did that other guy-Cas-go? Are you friends?" I asked him as he led me into the hall.

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