Chapter 12~When Shadows Fall~

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As phantoms frighten beasts when shadows fall.
-Dante's Inferno

Chapter 12~When Shadows Fall~

"What the hell, Carmine!" I gritted out. "What are you doing in here?" My heart was still racing from the Scen. Why was he here?

I watched him warily as he moved closer, leaning against the wall beside me. "I could ask you the same question, Ruby." He reached for the lights, nearly blinding me when they flickered on. I squinted, watching as his expression hardened. "How long have you been in here, putting yourself through that Scenario?" He motioned to the tiny screen.

I leaned down, scooping up my phone and glancing at the time. 4am. "Awhile." I answered vaguely.

His eyes narrowed. "Jesus Ruby what are you trying to do, put yourself in a coma?" His voice edged toward anger, which only made me angrier. As if he actually cared.

"I couldn't sleep. Why do you care?" My jaw clenched, wanting to add a few expletives to my words. I swallowed, forcing myself to calm down before I started yelling.

He frowned at me, leaning forward over the cot and my breath stuck in my throat, burning. I refused to let him see how much his actions rattled me, covering my reaction with a glare. "These halls aren't as safe as you've been led to believe, Ruby."

I lunged up, crossing my arms as I spun back around at him. I was so sick of his cryptic words. Screw calm. "There you go again, you just can't help yourself can you?"

He pulled back a few inches, startled at my outburst. "What are you talking about?"

The asshole had the nerve to look confused. "You know damn well what I'm talking about Carmine. You can never give me a straight answer, or truthfully tell me anything. Why? Why are you doing this to me?" I wasn't sure how exactly I intended my last sentence to be meant.

I slumped back against the cot, my head in my hands, so tired of all the lies and confusion that ruled my life right now. I didn't even bother to look up when I felt him settle beside me.

"I'm sorry, Ruby." His voice held so much anguish that I had to look up at him. Did he regret his words now? "You don't know how much I wish I could tell you everything." His eyes searched mine, begging me to believe him.

"Then tell me!" I nearly yelled at him. "I deserve to know what the hell's going on Carmine! Why you suddenly arrive and everything goes to shit. Why Claret is suddenly acting like she can't trust us. Why that Hunt nearly killed us!" My throat ached from my furious words, from holding back my frustration.

I stilled as my eyes met his. In the next second, our lips crashed together. Carmine's hands travelled over my suddenly feverish skin, our kiss fueled by anger and tension. My body seemed to have a mind of its own as I pressed closer to Carmine, my palms pressed flat against his shoulder blades. Any previous thoughts were forgotten when his fingertips brushed across my stomach.

I wasn't sure who initiated it, and my head screamed at me to stop. But my body was rooted to the spot as my nerve endings burned with fire. A fire that I'd gladly let consume me.

I suddenly realized I was laying on the cot, Carmine hovering above me. I pulled him closer, desperate to feel his touch. In the back of my mind I knew we needed to stop before things went any further. But my body dismissed that idea when his hips pressed against mine.

"Ruby." Carmine's breathless voice sounded in my ears, and for a moment, he sounded exactly like Adam.

I froze, my body growing cold as I went limp. I pushed Carmine away, feeling like I couldn't breath through the sudden weight on my chest. "We shouldn't have done that." I mentally cursed, knowing I'd pay for this later. I stood up as Carmine watched me closely, trying to think clearly.

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