Chapter 6~Forget Everything~

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There are two ways to live a life either forget everything or, remember nothing.

-Santosh Kelwar

Chapter 6~Forget Everything~

I woke up with one hell of a headache, my surroundings pulsing in time with my head. I squinted against the pain as a strange feeling swept over me. How long had I been asleep?

I sat up, bracing a hand against my head as my vision blurred. What was wrong with me? "Ginger?" I called.

A few moments later she appeared in the doorway. "Are you okay? You look like shit."

I gritted my teeth, unable to concentrate enough to reply. I pressed my palm against my temple, as if I could push the pain away, and lowered myself back to my pillow.


I opened my eyes slowly, not realizing I'd closed them to begin with, to see Ginger holding out two pills. I reached blindly for them, swallowing them dry before I closed my eyes again.

A sense of unease swept through me again, mixed with a vague notion that I was forgetting something.

"Ginger?" I gritted out, as I thought back to last night. My head throbbed as I tried to bring up any memory of last night, but for some reason, I couldn't. Everything blurred together after I'd fought with Adam. Had I gotten sick? That would explain why I currently felt like shit.

I felt her settle at the edge of my bed. "What?"

"Did I get sick yesterday? I can' head is killing me. I can't think straight." A pair of vivid green eyes appeared behind my eyelids, sending yet another wave of confusion through me.

Her voice was full of confusion. "No. You came back last night, upset that you and Adam had gotten into an argument. You told me about it and we both went to bed soon after." She gave me a long look. "Are you okay?"

I opened my eyes, grateful Ginger had enough sense to leave the lights off. "I can't really remember yesterday night. What time did I get back?" My brain was a jumbled mess of thoughts and confusion. Though I already felt bad about the fight with Adam. He didn't deserve to deal with my mess of a past.

She thought for a moment. "About eight-thirty. Why?"

I nodded, trying to piece together what I couldn't remember. "So after I came back, we just talked and went to bed early?" I frowned. "That doesn't feel right. Did Carmine show up here?" I asked her. His face lingered behind my eyelids, but I didn't understand why. I felt like I wasn't remembering. Like what Ginger said had happened didn't add up.

Ginger looked worried. "Maybe you should go see Cherise if you can't remember last night. She could give you better pain killers."

I started shaking my head, disagreeing, but that small motion sent a bolt of burning pain through my skull. I couldn't help the gasp that burst through my lips. I rolled over, groaning in pain. I'd never had this bad of a headache before. Why was this happening?

Ginger stood up quickly. "I'm going to go get Cherise."

I wanted to tell her no, that I was fine, but my vision was already going dark, my limbs limp.

The pain finally receded, taking my consciousness with it.


A deceptively calm voice penetrated the dark in which I lingered, pulling my closer to some unidentifiable edge.

"What did you tell her?" It questioned harshly, and I wanted to cover my ears against it's razor edge. Unfortunately, I couldn't find my hands, or my ears.

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