Chapter 5~Things So Deep~

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We bury things so deep we no longer remember there was anything to bury. Our bodies remember. But we don't.

-Jeanette Winterson

Chapter 5~Things So Deep~

The rest of the day Carmine's strange warning haunted my thoughts. Even after we'd left Claret's office, his words replayed through my head. No matter how much I tried to ignore it, I couldn't.

In this twisted future, you should remember your past.

What the hell was he trying to accomplish? Better yet, why did he act like he knew. No one knew about my past, I'd made sure of it the minute I'd came to Red. Sure, I'd told Claret, but she didn't know. She didn't understand what I'd gone through.

Speaking of Claret, the incident in her office still bothered me too. I'd never heard her angry like that, and Carmine wouldn't fess up to getting scolded for whatever it was that he'd done. Why?

And what did Carmine think he knew about me? Nothing. There was zero chance that he knew. He'd been in Sacramento for his training, two-thousand miles away. He thought he was better than everyone, and he was trying to shake me.

"You've been awfully quite, Ruby. What's up?" Scarlett's voice dragged me from my wandering thoughts, and I looked up from my plate of chicken and vegetables.

Everyone was staring at me with varying degrees of worry, especially Adam. After he'd seen me in the hallway, he'd been hovering over my shoulder and bugging me about what Carmine had said. But I couldn't tell him, not without going into details about my history and that was something I didn't want to burden him with.

"I'm fine." I told them.

Ginger snorted. "That's why you're mutilating your food."

I frowned, looking down at my plate. She was right. I'd barely touched my food, but the chicken had been cut into so many tiny pieces it looked more shredded than anything.

I looked back up, shrugging. "I'm not very hungry anyway."

Adam was the one who spoke first, laying a hand on my forearm. "You didn't eat at lunch either. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm fine." I assured him.

He shook his head before turning to Ginger. "Can you have them send another dinner to her room?"

Ginger nodded, and my brows furrowed in confusion. "What ar-"

He grabbed my wrist as he stood up, pulling me with him. "I'll see you guys later."

He started to pull me towards the cafeteria exit, but I kept my feet in place. "What are we doing?" I asked.

He shook his head. "We need to talk." He tugged on my wrist again and I finally relented. I wouldn't get anywhere by ignoring him, or by causing a scene.

I followed him. It was obvious from his tense demeanor that he was angry, though at me or someone else I couldn't tell. Each staccato beat of his shoes was like a fist squeezing my heart painfully. The walls blurred together as I jogged to catch up with his fast strides.

"What's wrong, Adam?"

He laughed, but it was humorless and dry. "What's wrong with me?" He cut down another hall sharply, and I wondered where exactly we were headed. We'd stayed on the fourth floor, so the only real rooms at this end were for storage. We'd already passed the weight room and track.

Adam looked back at me. "What's wrong with you?" He shook his head. "Don't say you're fine Ruby. Ever since you talked to Carmine you've been quiet."

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