Author's Note

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Hey, guys! We've come to the end of Red, and I really want to thank all of you guys for voting, commenting, and reading. It was you guys who really motivated me to write Red, and I hope you guys enjoyed it immensely! It's really bittersweet for me, finishing Red has been an awesome accomplishment, but I'm going to miss Ruby and her friends.

As for a sequel, I've toyed with the idea for a while, but right now I don't have any plans for a second book. The entire plot of Red dealt with how things never turn out perfectly, and that not every ending is a happy one.

That being said, I did write the prologue of Red with a sequel in mind, so if I decide not to write one, the prologue will be scraped or rewritten.

So it's up to you guys. Would you like me to continue Ruby's story? Please realize that it won't be continued right away. I need time to get some ideas together, and I will be starting college in a few weeks, so updates would take a bit longer than Red.

So please guys, tell me your thoughts on a sequel, and your overall thoughts on Red!

For now,

Update: I've rewritten the prologue to fit with either a sequel or not, so make sure you go read it! It's completely new.

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