Chapter 28~Resentment Grows~

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As the friendship goes, resentment grows.

-Bastille, "Bad Blood"

Chapter 28~Resentment Grows~

Red Headquarters-eight hours earlier

Claret watched the entire thing from her computer. She'd had Roth install a cam on Rose's jacket, and though it didn't have audio capabilities, she still couldn't help the smirk that spread over her face.

She'd long anticipated that Ruby would escape, her entire plan hinged on that fact, which was why she'd ordered her agents to let them go. Claret knew any agent that wasn't aware of classified information would be smart enough not to question her orders. No matter how curious they were.

When Rose's body cam picked up Ruby and Carmine, Claret frowned. She briefly wondered whether things would've changed had Carmine never come to Chicago, but thought better of it. He'd never had a choice in the matter, and it was sheer luck that Ruby had latched onto him like she had.

Perhaps it's time to update protocol. Allegiance could become compromised in the future if agents decided loyalty to each other is more important than loyalty to Red.

Claret dismissed that thought immediately. This was only one scenario-one out of a million, and it was working considerably in her favor anyway. She wouldn't change anything for now.

"Claret," Crimson's greeting pulled Claret out of her thoughts, and her focus from the computer screen in front of her.

"Agent Crimson," she greeted in return, looking up at him. "What brings you here?"

He folded his hands behind his back, feet shoulder width apart as his eyes met hers. "I have some...concerns regarding the tactics being used in regards to the Rogues." His words were cautious, and well thought out. He didn't want Claret to think that he doubted her, but he couldn't understand what she was doing. He knew about her dealings with the pack, and he had for awhile, but this wasn't pack business. Ever since agent Carmine had appeared, Claret had been tense, and that translated into a very careful and tense Crimson.

Claret arched a brow at her most trusted agent, and he hurried to look away. "Your concerns, do they mean to question my authority?" Her voice gave nothing away, and that's what made him freeze. It was when she was like this that she was unpredictable.

Crimson quickly backtracked, swiftly rewording his question into something less...threatening. "No. No, I was merely curious. You've never tried anything similar to this before."

Claret smiled at him, and the look she gave him could only be described as that of a snake before it sank it's fangs into prey, all teeth and venom. She moved around her desk, stopping a foot away from Crimson. She watched as he struggled not to tense, and she laid a hand on his shoulder. The gesture itself seemed friendly enough, but the intent behind it-to keep him immobile-was anything but.

"We've never had the opportunity to," she said in response to his question. "But perhaps you're right. It would be smart to tread cautiously in these coming days. You never fail to please me, Carter. Let's not change that." She tilted her head, trailing her fingers over his shoulder until they rested against his neck.

She smiled, feeling his pulse quicken as the use of his real name, a reminder of what he'd been before she'd found him-nothing. "We will find them soon. Then they will both be back where they belong."

Her other hand reached up to entwine in Crimson's unnaturally white hair, and bring his face closer to hers as she'd done so many times before then. Had there been anyone in the room in that moment, they would've sensed a subtle shift in the atmosphere. These weren't the interactions of two people who seemed to be playing a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse, but those of two people who knew each other too well, perhaps even lovers.

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