Chapter 34~Brave Enough~

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When I'm standing in the fire,
I will look him in the eye,
And I will let the devil know that,
I was brave enough to die.

-Hurts, "Somebody To Die For"

Chapter 34~Brave Enough~

I dropped the binoculars and they clattered to the floor loudly. "We need to go!" I shoved my chair back as my old friend adrenaline dropped by. "We can make it back the way we came. They're not close enough yet, they don't know where we are."

I jumped when Carmine grabbed my arm, "It's too late. They probably already have all the exits covered."

I yanked my hand out of his, "We aren't going to just sit here." I wanted to run, I needed to run. It was clear now that Jasper wasn't going to show. Whether it had all been a setup, or if his team had never planned to show, it didn't matter now.

Cas was the one that finally got everyone moving. "I don't know about you guys, but I'd rather not end up dead or in a test tube, so can we move our asses faster?"


Carmine led us down the hall as we forgot stealth in favor of speed. I had to force down the terror that wanted to blind me as he threw open the stairwell door. "Go!" I would not go back.

We flew down the stairs, the sound of our feet echoing loudly against the walls. I let the pressure of the knife in my boot comfort me a little. I wasn't entirely defenseless. The problem with the stairwell was that it only took us down two floors. That left six to go.

We hit the sixth floor, leaving the stairwell and glancing both ways. "Whose brilliant idea was it to put the other stairs at the opposite end of the stadium? I'd like to wring their neck!" Cas panted as we walked quickly through the hall. There were more people here, and we'd only slow ourselves down with questions and security.

I kept an eye out the window, though it was practically useless with my human eyes. There were too many people in the crowd to try and pick them out. Halfway down the hall, Cas suddenly skidded to a stop, and my heart jumped into my throat.

"Dammit! They're gone." He looked out the window for a split-second. "Those little shits move fast."

He paused for a second, listening. "I don't hear them yet. We keep going down. If we can't get outside, get to the field. We'll lose them there."

We moved again, and I felt like there was a timer following us, counting down to the inevitable. We reached the other stairwell and I struggled not to lose my balance as Carmine gave me a hard push. "Faster."

I didn't have time to glare at him. My entire being was focused on getting out of that stadium. I wouldn't let them catch us, not after everything we'd survived. I only had a brief moment to worry for Jasper. What if Claret found out he was going to help us? We had the rotations from Kitler, if we decided we could trust him. But none of that would matter if we couldn't get out of here.

Three steps from the bottom, Shani stopped abruptly, never losing her balance as we all collided with her. She twisted, easily shoving everyone backwards. "Back up! Back up now!" None of us had to ask, we just knew.

So back up the stairs we went, wondering what the hell we were going to do now. There was no way we could take an elevator. They had probably already taken them to the top floor to trap us.

Carmine pulled the door open, breathing hard as he glanced both directions. "C'mon."

There was no way to block the stairs to slow them down, it would've been almost useless anyway. We had to keep moving.

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