Chapter 4~Something More~

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There's something more than just this friendship connection, we both want something more.

-Robert Boughter

Chapter 4~Something More~

After I detached the wires and popped my contacts out, I pushed myself off the cot. With a quick glance at the clock- still twenty minutes left of Scen- I started toward the door. I was done with this.

I watched Adam get up and start my way as Crimson tried to stop me. "I have not dismissed you yet, agent Gray. You aren't done here." His use of my last name showed how angry he was, but at this point I didn't care what he thought.

I kept walking, looking back over my shoulder. "Yes, I am." I turned back. Adam was waiting by the door for me, a tense expression on his face.

I heard him take a few steps forward, no doubt to try and stop me again. Just try it.

"Let her go." Carmine's voice swept over me and I twisted around in surprise. His eyes met mine and he nodded once. I mouthed thank you, before continuing to the door. I was grateful for the help, even if it was from him.

As soon as we were in the hall, Adam pulled me into a hug. I let myself relax in his embrace, laying my head against his chest. I could only imagine how upset he was. "Crimson is an asshole." I felt the words rumble in his chest and I glanced up.

"That was established a very long time ago." I told him.

He pulled back slightly, a concerned look crossing his face. "Are you okay Ruby?" His hands rested lightly on my shoulders, but it felt as if his fingertips seared my skin.

I blew through my lips, nodding. "Fine. Pissed, but fine."

His eyes softened. "Claret will hear about this. He had no right to say any of that, to make you go through that again."

I started down the hall, pulling him with me. "I know, I'll tell her." I replied. "But first, I'm going to stop back at my room. I need a shower."

It was all psychosomatic, I knew it was in my head. Nothing had happened, not really, but I had the memories as if it had. The memories of hands on my skin and taunting words made me feel like there was a film of dirt covering me.

Adam winced as he hit the elevator button. "You shouldn't have had to do that."

I shook my head. "I'm fine Adam, I've done it before." I searched for something to distract him. "Did you notice Carmine staring at me?" I asked as we stepped into the elevator.

He snorted. "Who didn't? I think he has a crush on you." His eyes darkened as he thought about what he had said.

I shook my head. "He's strange. He looks familiar, but his arrogant attitude? I don't remember ever meeting someone like him, and trust me, I would." I reassured him.

We stepped off the elevator, turning down the left hallway. 134....135....136. The room numbers blurred together as we passed them. "Well good. I'm not in the habit of sharing." We stopped in front of my room.

His choice of words slightly confused me, but I laughed it off. "Don't worry, Adam. Best friend is reserved especially for you."

I paused before I opened the door, twisting around. "I'll stop by later?" My hand quickly slipped from the doorknob as I saw Adam's expression.

He took a step forward, lifting a single hand. I inhaled sharply, a warm heat filling me when his hand curved around the nape of my neck. My skin felt hyper-sensitive to his touch, and suddenly, I couldn't get enough oxygen. My face felt like I stood in front of a fire. "Adam." His name escaped my lips in a whisper.

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