Chapter 10: Sailing with the Family

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*Emma's pov*

        Killian and my dad walked back into the room and sat next to us. "Hey Love, I think we should get going before it gets too late. I got some food and drinks for our little outing." I stood up and walked up the stairs to go get Henry so that we could go. He came right down. If I didn't know any better I'd say he was a little excited. We walked out the door and started walking toward the docks.

        "Emma, are you sure you want to walk to his ship? The dock isn't exactly close to your apartment."

        I looked at her and said, "Mom, I'm fine, I walk there all the time. Don't worry I'll be just fine." I chuckled and continued walking. Neal was in his baby stroller and Henry was behind us walking with David and Killian. About 45 minutes later we arrived at his ship and climbed aboard. Henry walked straight to the helm (wheel of boat). My dad walked ahead of us and helped my mom and then me up. Killian stood behind me to make sure I didn't Slip. Mom put Neal down and walked over to see what Henry was doing. When I got on the ship Killian looked at me and put his hand on my stomach he smiled and then kissed me. He untied the boat from the dock and walked over to the helm, where Henry was standing. He started to steer the boat. I immediately sat down so I wouldn't fall I watched Killian as he was steering the boat I saw how happy it made him and that made me happy. I feel that since everything happened between us and everything moving so fast he hasn't been able to come out to his ship. He hasn't been able to come sailing. I'm glad he asked me to go with him I love seeing how happy it makes him. Even though it was a little awkward my parents being here and everything.

        "Emma, you ok? You look like something is bothering you, everything alright." She came over to me with baby Neal and sat by my side I nodded my head and took Neal and put him in my lap. I couldn't help but smile as I started to rock my little brother. He was so little. Mom watched as I cared for him she was happy that I spent some time with Neal since were almost 30 years apart. "Soon you'll have a little one to take care of." I heard my mom whisper to me. I couldn't believe that I was going to have a baby in less than 4 months. I didn't want to admit that I was panicking about being a mother. Sure I had Henry, but I didn't start raising him until he was 10 years old and that was what scared me, that I was going to be a crappy mother.

*Henry's pov*

        I saw my mom watching Killian teach me how to steer. She looked happy, it was the first time she really smiled in what seemed like forever. I was excited that I was going to have a baby brother or sister hang out with or to read to. I hoped they liked fairy tales. it was going to be awesome. I secretly was hoping that my mom would have a boy, but I know she wanted a little girl. Killian I think just wanted my mom to be happy, because whatever she says goes. "How am I doing Killian?"

        "You're doing great mate." He looked at me and smiled. I looked at my mom to see what she was doing. she was holding my uncle in her arms. She looked up at me to see what was going on she saw that I was steering the ship all by myself and she handed Neal to my grandfather, got up, and walked over to us. I think that the idea of me steering scared her a little bit. "Hello Love, is everything alright?"

        "Yeah, I just wanted to see what was going on. How's Henry doing?"

        "The lad is doing great he's a natural at sailing." That made my mom smile a little. "How is this little one doing?" Hook asked pointing to the baby.

        "The baby's alright." Suddenly there was a bolt of lightning and I saw that my mom was starting to panic.

        "Henry, take your mom over to the bench and go sit it's going to get a little bumpy." I walked over to were my mom was sitting before with Grandma and Grandpa and we sat down. the ship started to rock and the waves were crashing into it. The rain started to fall and we were getting soaked. Grandpa got up to go help Killian, Grandma grabbed Neal's carrier and held it close to her and Mom grabbed me to make sure that nothing happened to me. Grandma also grabbed Mom to make sure she didn't lose us. I could tell that My mom was getting anxious because of how she was holding on to us. We heard Hook shout to us "We're almost to shore just hang on." I felt as if it was another 45 minutes before we reached shore. When we finally reached the shore we all ran off of the Jolly Rodger and started to run towards the apartment. I was running ahead of everyone else. Grandma had Neal. While Killian and Grandpa helped Mom. We finally arrived at the apartment, Grandma and Grandpa came in for a little while waiting for the rain to settle before they left. we all got changed into dry clothing we were sailing for a couple of hours so I got into my pajama's. Killian got into sweatpants, Mom gave Grandma a pair of sweatpants, Killian gave Grandpa something to wear and Mom got into a pair of pajama pants. We all sat on the couch together we talked and played board games and we read my book of fairy tales to Neal. It took a while but the rain finally let up and my grandparents and uncle decided that it was time for them to leave to go home. We all said goodbye and my mom shut the door. They left around 10 O'clock.

        "Don't stay up to late Henry you have school tomorrow, I don't need to be getting a phone call telling me that my son is falling asleep in class. so you have 30 more minutes until I want you in bed. You got it, Kid?" I nodded my head and went over to the couch and turned on the TV.

        Killian came and sat next to me we sat next to me. We sat quiet for a few minutes and then we started to talk, "So Mate, did you have fun today?"

        "Yeah it was a lot of fun. I even think that Mom had a good time, up until the end." He smiled at me and we continued to watch TV until it was time for me to go to bed. I said goodnight to Killian, thanked him for the awesome day and went to bed.

*Killian's pov*

        I said goodnight to Henry as he walked into his room. I then walked into my room to find a sleeping Emma holding a book in her hands. I removed the book from her hands and she spoke softly, "I was still reading that."

        I chuckled slightly and said, "Shh Love you need your rest." She quickly fell back to sleep. I crawled into bed next to her and held her close. She was beautiful the way she slept and I would get to see her beauty for the rest of my life.

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