Chapter 8: Girls Night In

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*Ruby's pov*

        "Hey Emma, what can I get for you?" I asked as Emma walked into Granny's diner. She looked like she was upset about something.

        "Can I get an orange soda, a ginger ale, 2 burgers, and 2 orders of fries?"

        "Sure coming right up, oh and are we still going out for a girls night out?" She nodded her head, I handed her, her order, she gave me the money and she left. The moment I saw her I Knew that something was wrong. But maybe I was wrong.

*Emma's pov*

        I've been pregnant for almost 3 months and I still haven't told Ruby or anyone except my parents, Killian, and Henry. She's my best friend. I knew I had to tell her soon before my baby bump started to show more than I already was. While I was walking home my phone rang, it was Ruby. "Hey, what's up?"

        "Hey Emma, I was wondering, is it ok if Ashley comes out with us tonight."

        "Yeah, of coarse, look I have to go, but I'll see you guys tonight." I reached my apartment as I hung up the phone. I unlocked the door and walked in. "Hey Henry, I'm home."

        "Hey Mom you have my food?"

        "Yeah, here." I sat on the couch next to him. "Oh hey, I forgot to tell you, you're going over to Regina's tonight. I told Ruby I would hang out with her tonight." He looked at me and smiled.

        "What time is she picking me up?"

        "2:30." He looked at me "What, What time is it?"

        "Mom, it's 2:00." I smiled and I started to laugh. I guess I took longer in the diner than I thought I did. Regina showed up a couple minutes past 2:30. Henry grabbed his backpack and they left. I walked into my room about to look in the mirror. I stared at my baby bump for a little while. I could not believe that I was going to have a baby.

.                                                                         *later that evening*

        I stood in my closet for about a half hour trying to decide what to wear. I didn't want to wear something that they would be able to tell. I asked my mom to come over to help me. She was in the kitchen feeding Neal when I really needed her help. "Mom, I need help."

        She ran in, "Whats wrong Em's?"

        "I can't figure out what to wear." She smiled and sat on my bed, I sat next to her and laid my head on her shoulder.

        "Sweety why don't you call Ruby and tell her you don't feel well." I decided that was the best idea so I called her and asked if they wanted to stay in tonight. they said that it was fine that we stay in instead. My mom had to get home so she grabbed Neal and the dipper bag and swiftly walked out the door. 

        I got into sweatpants and a sweatshirt, I made some food and got drinks out of the refridgerator and put them on the counter. After all the snacks were made I sat on the couch trying to relax before they got here, but the minute I sat down there was a knock at the door. I stood up and answered the door. Ruby and Ashley were at the door they held up some movies and popcorn. "Hey guy's come on in. Sorry we had to stay in." 

        "That's ok, come on let's put a movie on." We watched a movie and ate some of the snacks. after we finished the first movie we began talking we talked about everything. "So how are you and Sean, Ashley?" 

        "We're OK. We still haven't picked a date for the weadding, and I would like to get married before I'm 60." We all laughed. I stayed quiet for a lot of the night, I would join in the conversation some of the time, but I was to busy trying to figure out how to tell them. "Emma, you've been quiet are you alright?"

        "Yeah, I'm fine."

        "Oh so Emma, you never told us, what the hell is going on with you and Hook?" my eyes widdened, I knew I had to tell them at this very moment.

        "Well things are pretty serious, He's moving in." I couldn't help but smile.

        "Oh my... I can't believe this, what does David think?"

        "Um, well he's actually pretty ok with it, he knows I'm a grown woman and can make my own decissions."

        "Ok, and why?" Ashley added.

        "Ok so I've been keeping something from you for the past few months." they looked at me with fear in there eyes. "I'm pregnant." there mouths dropped.

        "Oh, um wow." was all they could say. I explained everything how we've been spending a lot of time together how we've been spending the night and how he proposed and it was the sweetest thing. we sat and talk for what seemed like hours and than it was time for them to go. Once again I apologized for not telling them sooner. But I didn't want them or anyone to know. 

Once they left I got in my bed and started reading. Right before I put my book down Killian walked in the room and climbed in the bed. He wrapped his arms around me. and I knew that I felt safe in his arms. 

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