Chapter 7: approval

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*Emma's pov*

It's been about 2 weeks since Killian proposed, nobody knew except for Henry. I hadn't even told Mary Margret, the person I tell everything to, but today was the day that I was going to tell David that I'm pregnant. I hope he doesn't freak out. I was just about to walk out the door when Henry stopped me. "Mom, where are you going?"

"I have to run over to your grandparents for a little while. I'll drop you off at Regina's. Can you go get an overnight bag?"

"Sure, how long am I going to stay over there?"

"The whole weekend." He nodded his head and went to pack his bags. I went to sit on my bed but as soon as I walked past the mirror I stopped and stood there looking at my stomach. How was I supposed to tell my father I was pregnant I've never had to do that before. Henry walked into my room and snapped me out of my daydream. "You ready kid?" He nodded his head and quickly walked out to the car. I got in the driver's side and put my seatbelt on, he did the same and I drove off.

We reached her house and we both got out she greeted us at the door "Good afternoon Madam Mayor."

"Hello Miss Swan, what time will you be picking him up on Sunday?"

"I don't know yet probably around noon. Is that a problem?"

"No not at all, have a good day Miss Swan."

I nodded my head toward her and swiftly walked away. I knew that now I had to drive to my parents' house and tell them the news.

*Mary Margret's pov*

Emma was going to be here any moment; I couldn't believe that she was going to tell her father that she was expecting a child. I hope she was ready for his reaction. She knows how much David hates Hook, actually the whole town knew. "David, Emma's here." I announced as she arrived in her yellow bug.

"Alright, I hope she's feeling better than she was last time she came here." I smiled slightly. When Emma walked through the door she gave David and me a side hug, I guess she didn't want to take a chance of her father figuring out on his own, "Hey Em, how you feeling?"

"I'm good, I feel like I haven't seen you guys in so long how are you guys doing?"

"We're ok, so where is Henry?"

"He went to Regina's for the weekend. So I have some news for you guys." she looked extremely nervous. She paused for a second trying to figure out what she was going to say then she said, "Dad, I'm pregnant." there was a longer silence he looked like he was going to explode.

"Oh, um who's the father?"

"Killian is, I know you don't like him but just give him a chance, and I have some more news, for both of you."

"What is it Emma?"

"Killian and I are engaged." She smiled; I couldn't help but run up to her and give her a hug. "Dad, I know you're angry but you have to understand, I love him and he told me that he would be by my side." Before she could finish her sentence he walked over to her and hugged her.

"Emma, your right I don't like Hook but if he makes you happy then you have my approval and  I will try to get along with him." We all smiled and talked for what seemed like forever and I knew that we were going to be seeing a much happier Emma Swan around here.

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