Chapter 4: sickness

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                                                         *1 month later*

*Hook’s pov*

                It’s been a month since Emma last came to stay with me on the Jolly Roger, but I would go to her apartment to sleep. Henry seemed to like having me around; at least I hoped he did. Swan was busy going to visit her parents so I decided to go sailing something I haven’t done in a while. Every time I want to take Henry or Swan they would be busy. So I decided to go enjoy the nice sea worthy weather by myself.

*Henry’s pov*

                Today my mom made the decision that we were going to go visit my grandparents, it feels like we haven’t seen them in so long. I’m not used to not seeing them every morning, noon, and night, but it was nice that we had our own place. Mom seemed to be happier ever since she started going out with Hook, I’m pretty sure he stayed over almost every day this week, but that’s ok I like hook and I like him even more that he makes my mom happy. “Henry, you ready to go? We’re going to walk over there instead of driving.” That didn’t seem like the best choice since she looked like she was about to get sick. I didn’t argue with her though ‘cause then she would get all defensive. So I grabbed my jacket and we were off.

                We walked for about 25 minutes but then my mom stopped, “Mom, are you ok?”

                “Yeah, I’m ok. I guess I’m not feeling a hundred percent.” I walked back over to her and wrapped my arm around her to help her walk the rest of the way. When we finally reached grandma’s and grandpa’s place, we knocked on the door. Grandma answered the door holding Neal. My mom ran in strait to the bathroom and started to get sick.

                “Is your mother alright?” I shrugged my shoulders and took Neal from her so she could check on Mom.

*Emma’s pov*

                I sat on the ground getting sick. Mary Margret barged in the bathroom and sat right next to me rubbing my back. “What’s wrong, are you sick.”

                “I don’t know.” I cried. I was really lying. I had an idea of what was wrong with me but I didn’t want her to freak out. My period was late, and I don’t mean a couple days. I mean a couple weeks. I hadn’t had a chance to go see a doctor yet I didn’t want to worry anyone. Especially not Killian I didn’t know how he would take the news. So I figured that I would have Mary Margret bring me as soon as David got back from the store.

                “Emma, sweetheart, why don’t I take you to a doctor when your father gets back.” I said ok and we waited. It was going to be a while before David came home so I might as well make myself comfortable. I ended up taking a short nap, but I guess it was longer then I thought because I woke up and David was sitting next to me rubbing my back.

                “Hey sunshine, have a nice nap?”

                “How long was I out?” I asked. It felt as if I was out for 10 minutes, but then I looked at the clock it read 4:30 I’ve been out for almost 3 in a half hours.

                “Hey look who’s up, you want to head to the Doctors?” I nodded my head, she helped me get up off the sofa, and we were off.

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