Chapter 11: Boy or Girl

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*Emma's pov*

        I'm almost 6 months pregnant. I have a doctors appointment today and I'm going to be finding out if I'm having a boy or a girl. I know that Killian, Henry and my dad want me to have a baby boy. While Ruby, Belle, my mom, and I want it to be a baby girl. so were all hopping. I woke up around 6:30, it's a school day so I have to make sure that Henry woke up in time to catch the bus. I made him eggs for breakfast and then I packed him a sandwich and some chips for his lunch. "Henry, your breakfast is ready come down and eat it before it gets cold." I shouted up to him. He came running he walked over to me and gave me a hug. He was up to something, I just had to figure out what. "So Kid, what are you doing after school?"

        "I have to work on a project. Do you think you could help me with it after school" I smiled and nodded. He looked at his plate and began to eat. 

        I sat next to him and ate a little too, before I started to feel sick. Henry still looked like something was bugging him. I tapped him on his shoulder and began to speak, "Henry, is everything alright? you look upset about something." He shrugged and continued to eat. "Henry, talk to me." He told me that nothing was wrong, but that he was just tired he went to bed late last night so he didn't get a good nights rest. He finished getting ready brushed his teeth and by the time he finished getting everything in his backpack it was time for him to go catch the bus. I was worried about him, but I didn't want him to get annoyed with me. I put on my shoes and my red leather jacket (not that it fit me properly right now) and I made the decision of walking Henry to where the bus would pick him up. He gave me a hug goodbye and got into the school bus. I walked slowly back to my apartment were Killian would be waiting for me so that we could go to my appointment. I couldn't wait to find out what we were having.

        I stepped tinto the apartment, hung my jacket up, took my shoes off, and went to go see if the sleeping pirate was awake yet. Not to my surprise he was still in bed sound asleep. I shook my head and walked swiftly over to him I had to wake him up now or he would never wake up. I started to rub his back, that normally gets him to at least move a little, but he didn't budge. So then I started to shake him.  he lifted his head for a second and then placed it back on the pillow. Finally I attempted to push him off the bed, that didn't work, but it did get him to start moving a little bit. He is so lazzy. He got out of bed and got right in the shower trying to wake himself up I guess I took Henry to school in my pajama's so I had to get dressed. I put on jeans and a tee-shirt. Killian walked into our room and looked at me he looked pissed off. "Killian, what time did you and Henry got to bed last night?

        "I don't know, I guess around 12:30. Why?

        "Killian what the hell were you thinking? He is a 13 year old boy. He needs to sleep more than 6 hours." I scolded him.

        "Look I told him that it was time for him to go to bed, but he had to finish his homework." I rolled my eyes and walked away before we started to argue. The phone started to ring, but before I could get to it Killian answered it"Emma Love, what time is our appointment?"

        "it's at 11:30, why?"

        "your mother is on the phone, she wants to know what time our appointment is at and what time we are going to come over for dinner."

        "Oh, tell her we will come over around 4:30 we would come over earlier, but Henry has to finish is project it's due tomorrow. Ask her who else is going to be there?" he repeated the message and than asked her.

        "She said that it is just going to be the 6 of us." I nodded my head. 11 O'clock came around soon enough and we got in my yellow bug and drove to the hospital. We sat in the waiting room for a good 45 minutes before we got called back into one of the rooms.

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