Chapter 6: Being a family

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* Killian's Pov*

        It's been about a week since Emma has told me she was expecting my child. I didn't know what to say when she told me not to tell anyone, especially not her father or Henry. We are meeting up today to talk about the baby. "Killian, you here?"

        "Yeah, I'll be right up." As I entered the room I saw her standing waiting for me what was I going to say to her. Finally I got up the courage to say something. "So you want to go to Granny's? I'm kind of hungry."

        "Um, sure I guess I could eat." She seemed a little nervous. When we got to Granny's we sat down and talked for a little while about all different things. We talked about the baby and how much it was going to speed our relationship up, but I didn't care I loved Emma Swan and we were going to be a family. Finally she asked me this one simple question "Killian, What do you see in me." For once I didn't have an answer for her. How was I supposed to tell her why when I didn't even know. She sat there like she was waiting for an answer. Until she finally said something, "You know what forget I asked." She got up and grabbed her hand, she just looked at me.

            "Emma, please wait I love you and I hope you know that. I just don't know why." And once again I said the wrong thing. She snatched her hand away and walked out of the diner. Belle looked at me and then ran after Emma.

*Emma's Pov*

            I stormed out of the diner I didn't know why that upset me so much but it did. I love him and I know that he loved me but how come he acts like it's just another relationship when he knows it's not. I sat in my car for a little while. Eventually I started to cry. Belle walked up to my car and slid into the passenger side "Hey girl, what's up?"

            "Nothing, Killian just said the wrong thing to a question that I asked him."

            "What did you ask him?" I told him and her reaction was priceless she just sat there looking at me with the, are you serious look on her face. "That is not ok, but why did you want to know?"

            "I wanted to know that I can count on him to be there for me. Belle can I tell you something, but you cannot tell anyone." She nodded her head and I said "Belle, I'm pregnant." I wait for her reaction she just looks at me with this big smile on her face.

            "Emma, I can't believe this I am so happy for you. So I guess that, that was what you were talking about with Hook? Does anyone else know?"

            "Just Mary Margret, but David and Henry cannot find out yet. I don't know how Henry would take the news. So please, just keep on the down low." She nodded her head and we sat together until she had to go back to work at the library. And then I just sat in silence. I drove back to the apartment where Regina was sitting with Henry. "Hey kid, sorry I'm late, I was meeting up with Killian. Hello Madam Mayor."  She walked off.

            "What were you and Killian talking about?"

            "Nothing major, just stuff." I smiled trying to not tell him. "He just shrugged. I felt as if I should tell him, but how would he take it? I mean would he be mad, would he be upset.  I needed to get the courage to just tell him but how, how do I do it. I gave him a mug of hot chocolate with cinnamon and I put one in front of him and one in front of me. He looked at me like something was wrong "What's wrong?"

            "Nothing, it's just that you always have your coffee now." I knew he was going to find out sooner or later I guess I should choose sooner.

            "Henry there is something I wanted to talk to you about. Now I don't want you to get mad, but what would you say if I told you that I was going to have a baby?" he looked at me his eyes widened and I saw the biggest smile on his face.

            "I think I would say that I am so happy for you, but who's the father?"

            "Hook is, are you angry?"

            "No, why would I be angry? I really like Hook, but I especially like how happy he seems to make you." I walked over to his side of the table and gave him a big hug.

            "I love you Henry, I hope you know that." He said the same thing back to me and then Killian waked in the door and ran up to me.

*Killian's pov*

            I practically ran up to Emma "I am so sorry love; once again I said the wrong thing." I didn't know what to say next Emma told Henry to go up to his room so that we could talk. We sat on the couch and she motioned for me to talk. It took me a while to choose what I was going to say, but I finally decided and I said, "I have an answer to your question. What I see in you is a lot, I couldn't possibly name everything but I'll try. I see a beautiful, strong, independent woman, but that's not all I see in you. The main thing that I see is I see the way you make everyone feel safe, you make me want to hold you and never let go. I hope that you feel the same way, but the truth is I don't know what I see in you, and all I know is that I will never let you go. You are my savior and I am yours. Emma Swan will you marry me?" She sat in silence while I was on one knee holding the ring in my good hand. She smiled and kissed me. Now I know she is mine, forever and always. And I hope she will never let me go.

            I saw Henry standing at the top of the stairs and he ran down and gave her a big hug he had this huge smile on his face and I knew that Henry had approved. Which is all that matters because we are going to be a family.

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