Chapter 5: Finding Out

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*Mary Margret's pov*

We arrived at the hospital in 20 minutes Emma looked like she was terrified. I didn't know what to say to her so I just stayed quiet until I finally said, "Do you want me to wait in the car, or do you want me to come with you?" she shrugged her shoulders. "Emma, talk to me, please, what's going on?"

"I... I... I think I might be pregnant." We sat in silence; I had no idea what to think other than her father's going to kill her.

"Um, ok. Who's the father?"


 "What does he think about this?"

"He doesn't know. I mean I didn't tell him."

"Are you afraid that he won't stick around if he finds out?"

"No nothing like that, I don't think that he'll leave me." I couldn't help but smile. "Mary Margret, David and Henry can't know yet. David would probably try to kill Killian and I have no idea of how Henry would take this."

"Of course dear, now should we go in?" she shook her head and we walked in together. I could still see the fear on her face. Dr. Whale greeted us at the entrance like he was expecting us or something.

"Hello Emma, Mary Margret, what brings you here?"

"Um, I need a pregnancy test." Emma whispered.

"Alright, let's get in there then. Mary Margret if you would please wait in the waiting room." I nodded my head, I sat down, and waited impatient.

*Emma's pov*

                I walked in the room; Dr. Whale sat in a chair and I sat on the bed "so Emma, I'm going to need to ask you a couple questions before you go into the bathroom." I nodded my head and he began to ask. "So, have you been experiencing any morning sickness?" I nodded my head. "When was the last time you had your menstrual cycle?" And I told him. it was a little awkward but eventually we finished. He handed me a cup and I walked into the bathroom terrified. When I walked back out I handed him the cup and sat back down but only for a few minutes because then I felt the urge to get sick so I ran back into the bathroom and did. I sat on the ground for a couple minutes after and started to bawl my eyes out. I didn't want to admit it but I was scared. What if I was pregnant, what if Killian didn't want to be with me, what if Henry would be mad at me for having a baby, what would David say? Before I could stand up a nurse knocked on the door and then entered. She stood by my side comforting me for a little while and then she helped me stand and we walked out of the bathroom.

                Dr. Whale was standing there waiting for me to enter the room. "So, am I pregnant?" I said with a little stutter.

                "Emma, you are indeed pregnant, about one month. I'm going to let Mary Margret in." He walked out of the room.

                Mary Margret ran in the room, I looked at her with fear in my eyes "I'm here Emma, everything will be alright. I'm going to guess that I'm going to have another grandbaby sometime in 9 months." I looked at her and she was smiling.

                "Why are you so happy, I'm pregnant, David is going to kill me then Killian." I started to cry, I guess the hormones were kicking in. She walked closer to me and wrapped her arms around me and gave me a huge hug. When we finished I wiped my tears away and we walked out the door to the car, and once again who's leaning on the car but Killian Jones. "Killian, um hi, what are you doing here?"

                "Your father said you weren't feeling well and said you came here. I wanted to make sure that you were ok."

                "Yeah, I'm fine, um Mary Margret can you give us a minute." She nodded her head and walked off.

                "What's the matter love?"

                "Killian, I'm pregnant." There was a moment of silence until I finally said, "I understand if you don't want to be with me." before I could say anything else he crashed his lips upon mine.

                "I would never leave you. I am and forever will be with you and our child." I looked him in the eyes and kissed him again.

                "Mary Margret, you can go back to the house we'll meet you there." She just agreed. We walked and talked until we reached my parents apartment. 


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