Chapter 2: Love at first sight

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*Henry's pov

        I could tell that my mom was upset. I heard her arguing with Grandpa. "Mom, are you ok?" she didn't answer me, "Mom?"

        "What? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Your grandfather just pissed me off." I didn't ask her any more questions. We ended up driving in silence the rest of the way.

                                        *Back at Mary Margret and David's*

*David's pov*

        Mary Margret started to yell at me. I don't know why. I mean yes I got upset with my daughter for going out with a guy that I disapprove of, but the guy's a pirate. "You are just unbelievable. She's all grown up David. She doesn't need her father's approval of who she dates." She stopped yelling at me long enough so that she could make Neal his bottle, but then she continued. She went on, and on, and on.

        Then she started to walk out the door, "Where are you taking my son?" I asked with concern.

        "I'm taking him for a walk to make sure that Emma's alright."

        "You know where she lives?"

        "Yeah, she's not mad at me." And she walked out the door.

*Mary Margret's pov*

        I walked down the street pushing the stroller with a sleeping baby in it. I wanted to make sure that Emma was ok; she stormed out without saying goodbye. She looked like she was going to cry earlier, she doesn't like to admit it but she can get very emotional.

        I got to the new apartment and walked up the stairs to her door. I knocked, there was no answer. So I knocked again, still no answer. Finally when I knocked a third time Henry answered.

*Henry's pov*

        There was a knock at the door; my mom was upstairs in her room unpacking so I know she didn't hear the door. I stopped what I was doing and answered it, it was my grandmother. "Hi Henry." She said with a big smile on her face.

        I invited her in and told her that Mom was in her room. I took Neal from her and told her she could go up."

*Mary Margret's pov*

        "Thank you." I said as I started going up the stairs. I went to the only closed door and knocked, but there was no answer. This time I didn't wait around for her to answer I just walked in. Emma was sitting on the side of her bed crying

*Emma's pov*

        When Mary Margret barged in I looked up and quickly tried to wipe my tears away. "Emma, are you ok?"

        "Yeah I'm fine."

        "No you're not, you were just crying." I ran up to my mom and hugged her, "Why don't you tell me what's wrong."  I spilled everything, how I one day hoped that Hook will want to marry me or how I would want to have a family with him. She just grinned at me. "I never imagined having this conversation with you."

         "I know."

        "And I'm not trying to burst your bubble but I don't think that Killian is the marriage type."

         "I know but a girl can dream." She helped me up off the ground, wiped my tears away, and we headed downstairs to see what Henry was up to. And who was to appear standing in my disaster of a kitchen, but Captain Hook himself.

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