Chapter 13: Baby Names

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*Emma's pov*

        Coming up with baby names is difficult. Killian and I have been discussing names for weeks and we still haven't come up with any good names. My parents have come up with a couple cute names, but I just wasn't sure if they would sound right. Even Henry was trying to help us come up with names, but nothing seemed right. And every time we would start a conversation about names it would always end in an argument. I want names that sound good together. But the names that he mentions don't sound well together at all. "Emma, where are you?" I heard my parents call for me as they walk in the apartment. I was in the nursery sitting in the rocking chair folding some of the clothes. Henry must have let them in. "HI, Em's. Where's Killian?"

        "I think he went for a walk to try to cool down. All we've been doing lately is arguing about baby names, and I want to decide on names before the baby is born."

        "Honey, I get it your frustrated, it's hard coming up with names. Have you thought of any lately?" I nodded my head and showed them my list. They pointed to a couple names that both Killian and I like. I figured I would talk to him when he got home. Henry was going to Regina's for a couple days so that we could start making sure that everything was ready. The baby was due in less than 2 months and I knew that we weren't as prepared as I would have liked us to be. sure we have everything, but we need to make sure that we child proof the apartment. We have to put the clothes and the blankets and everything else in drawers or in the closet. Right now everything was just in the cribs. Killian walked in and saw me talking with my parents. He walks over to me kisses me on the forehead and sits next to me and help me put things away.

"Emma, Love, I know we've been arguing a lot lately, but we need to come up with the names." So he grabbed both of my hands and we walked into the living room we sat with a notepad crossing off any names we didn't agree on. that left us 4 boy and 4 girl names that we both agreed on. Addison and Aden, Zachary and Nichole, Luke and Sophie, and Noah and Leah. We just could not decide. So we went to see my parents, then we went to see Ruby and Granny, then we went to see Belle and Rumple, then Aurora and Philip, then we went to Ashley and Sean, and last we asked Henry. Even though we asked everyone else Henry's opinion was the most important. When we asked him he wasn't sure, but he picked the two names that were the most popular. The names he picked were Noah and Leah. We finally decided on two names. That was a huge relief that we decided on two names. And now all we have left is to actually have the babies.

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