Chapter 15: The Birth

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*Ruby's pov*

I was sitting on the couch when all of a sudden I heard a scream. I ran up the stairs to see what was wrong. When I reached her room I saw her sitting on the ground holding her stomach. "Emma, are you ok?"

"No help me up." I went over to her grabbed her arms and stood her up. I immediately sat her on the bed. "Ruby, my phone is downstairs go call Killian, if he doesn't answer then call my mom." I nodded my head and ran down the stairs. I have never had to deal with anything like this before. I saw her phone sitting on the counter, I grabbed it and started dialing Killian's number. It rang, but there was no answer. So then I tried Marry Margret, still no answer.

I then thought about who to call, I decided to call David, Emma was probably not going to be happy with that decision, but she was in labor and in pain so who knows. finally someone answered. "Hey Em's what's wrong?"

"David, it's Ruby, Emma's in labor, and both Killian and your wife are not answering there phones."

"Alright I'll be right there." We hung up and I went over to the couch to sit and wait for David to arrive. Finally there was a knock on the door. I ran to answer it. "Hey, where is she?" He asked, and I brought him up the stairs.

*Emma's pov*

I heard someone coming up the stairs, I really hoped it was Killian, but it wasn't. It was my dad. "Dad, what are you doing here?"

"I called Killian and your mom, but there was no answer for either of them and you didn't give a third person to call so I called your dad." I looked at Ruby, I was so pissed at her, but I couldn't stay mad at her for long because then another contraction hit. My dad came running over to me trying to comfort me. finally the contraction ended, he got me off of my bed, and put his arm around me to help me walk over to the stairs. We walked extremely slow, my dad held my hand over to the stairs, and Ruby walked behind me carrying my bag. This wasn't how it was supposed to be, Killian was supposed to be with me, he was supposed to be the one holding my hand. I wanted to cry, but I knew my dad would worry that I was in pain, so I held back the tears and kept walking. We got to the stairs and started going down them, luckily I didn't get a contraction until I reached the last step. I leaned over and my dad rubbed my back. It ended quickly and we walked out to Dad's truck. I got in the back and Ruby and Dad got in the front. Dad started driving too fast.

"Dad." He didn't answer. "Dad?" I said a little louder. "David!" I then shouted, he looked back, "Slow down, you are driving way too fast." He nodded and started driving the speed limit. Right as we arrived at the hospital, Dr. Whale's was out there to greet us, he tried to get me out of the car, but I leaned over in pain. He got me up and into the wheelchair. one of the nurses pushed me into a room and Dad came in with me, while Ruby waited in the lobby trying to get a hold of Mom and Killian.

"Emma, just breathe, Killian will get here." I was in pain and I was tired of hearing that.

I just lost it. "Get out, get out now. I don't want you in here." he tried to come over to calm me down, but I just pushed him away. "Just get out now." He started walking out and looked back at me, but I pointed at the door. I lied my head on the pillow and started crying. I screamed with pain, but I didn't want anyone in here with me. All I wanted was Killian, but he wasn't going to get here in time unless there was some kind of miracle.

*David's pov*

Where the hell was Killian, I could hear my daughter screaming in pain. She wouldn't let me in there I don't want her to go through this alone. Ruby was sitting with me she was on the phone with Granny. Ruby was trying to get a hold of Mary Margret. I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed Hook's number, there was still no answer. As I hung up the phone I heard Ruby say that Mary Margret was on her way. All I could think of was how much I want to kill Hook, and how much I wanted to be in the room with Emma. But she wouldn't let me. I wanted to let her know that I will always be there for her. I was terrified for her. My phone started ringing and I was hoping that it was Hook, it was Regina. "Hey Regina, what's up?"

"Um, do you know where your daughter is? I told her that I have a date with Robin and asked if she could take Henry for a  couple hours."

"Emma is in the hospital having the twins, so I don't really think she can."

"Oh, ok that's fine, I'll tell Henry and have Robin come over tonight."

"Thanks Regina, I'll talk to you later." I saw Mary Margret run in carrying Neal in her arms. "Where were you I tried Ruby and I tried calling you so many times."

"I was out on a walk and my phone was on vibrate. I didn't get the message until I got to Granny's. Is Killian in there with Emma?"

"No, he went out sailing and we've been trying to get a hold of him." I knew she was going to yell at me for leaving her alone.

"Why the hell are you not in the room with her then?"

"She wouldn't let me in."  Mary Margret put her hand on my shoulder, kissed me on the cheek, put Neal in my arms, and walked into the room.

*Mary Margret's pov*

I walked into Emma's room and she was crying. I walked over to her and sat next to her rubbing her back. She spoke to me with a broken voice, "I need... Killian." I nodded and she sat up and a contraction came. She screamed out in pain. I held her hand and tried to keep her relaxed Dr. Whale's kept on coming in and checking how far along she was. "Mom, did anyone get a hold of Killian?" I shook my head and she put her head on my shoulder. Here contractions kept getting closer and closer. she wasn't able to get an epidural because she waited to long to ask for it. So I knew that I had to keep checking to see if Killian was here or if anyone had gotten a hold of him. so far nobody had. She was getting anxious and so was I, the twins were almost here, but we had no Idea were Killian was.

"Ok Emma, you're 9 centimeters one more and you are going to have to push." Emma looked terrified I knew she wouldn't do this without Killian. So I walked out into the lobby and went to ask Charming if there was anything. he put his finger up.

"Killian, It's David, Emma is in labor and you need to get here right away. Ok I'll let her know. Now hurry." He hung up the phone and said "He's on his way. He is trying to get here as fast as he can."

I smiled and ran back into the room. Emma looked up at me, "We got Killian, He just docked his ship and is trying to get here as fast as he can." She nodded. that was all she was able to do her contractions were coming much harder and faster.

a half hour later and Emma was ready to push "Emma you are at 10 centimeters, you have to push." Dr. Whales said, but all she did was shake her head and cry.

"Emma, I am right here, you have to, Killian will get here I promise."

"No, I can't I need Killian, please I need to wait."

I heard a shout from the lobby, "Swan!" I pointed him in the room that Emma was in and he bolted in. I walked out and let them do this.

*Killian's pov*

When I got off the boat I looked at the phone that Emma had given me. I had a lot of missed calls from David and Ruby. David then called me again. I answered and he told me that the twins were on there way.  And that I need to get down to the hospital right away. I hung up the phone and ran all the way there.

*Emma's pov*

My mom told me that Killian was on his way to the hospital. The doctor told me that I was ready to push, but I couldn't I needed to wait for Killian. Lucky for me he arrived right as I was about to push. My mom left the room and left us alone. "Emma, Love, I am so sorry I didn't answer the phone."

"It's alright I'm just so glad that you made it in time." Dr. Whales told me to push and I did, I screamed so loud. Killian was standing there next to me Holding my hand and rubbing my back. "Ow, ow, ow, I can't do this."

"come on Love, I know you can."

"One more push Emma and baby number one is out." Dr. Whales said. I pushed as hard as I could. I took a deep breath and I heard a tiny baby cry. Killian was allowed to cut the umbilical cord. "Well say hello to your little boy." I smiled as the nurse let me see him before she took him away to be cleaned. Killian kissed me on the forehead. "Ok Emma, there is still one baby that needs to come out. I was still in a lot of pain. I tried to push, but I was so exhausted. "Come on Emma. I know you can do it." So I did. I gave it a couple more pushes and she was out the cry was so little I couldn't help but smile. Again Killian cut the umbilical cord and the nurse let me see my baby girl. I collapsed on the pillow and waited to see my babies. I can't believe they're here.

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