Chapter 12: The Baby Shower

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*Mary Margret's pov*

        Emma had know idea that I was throwing her a baby shower. I'm her mother and I want my daughter to have a baby shower. I told to meet me at Granny's Diner at 1 O'clock, she thinks that the two of us are just going to be having lunch. I got up early so that I could get everything prepared for the party. I met up with Ruby, Ashley, Belle, and Aurora, they helped me get everything set up for the party at the diner. Killian and David were going to bring her to the baby shower when I contacted them. I knew that Emma would be angry at first but it's going to be worth it to throw my own daughter a baby shower. "Mary Margret, where do you want the present table put?" I pointed to the corner and helped Ruby move it. But then baby Neal started to cry and then Ashley's baby, Alexandra started to cry and then Aurora's baby, Phillip started to cry. the three of us walked over to them and tried to sooth them. They all stopped crying after awhile, and we all got back to work. Hanging streamers, setting up tables, and whatever else had to get done. Granny helped us get thing done as well. She was making food for the party. almost everyone in town was coming, Even Regina was going to show up for a little while. "Mary Margret, people are starting to show up there an hour early. What should we do?"

        "Ok, Have people come in and start helping us set up. I told them to come early so that they would be here before Emma showed up. I thought we would be finished by now." Regina walked in with Henry and she was using her magic to hang streamers off of the ceiling so that nobody had to climb on chairs or stools. "Henry, do me a favor and call up your grandfather and see if there on there way yet." He nodded his head, I handed him my cell phone, and he went outside to make the call he came running in and told me that he was just about to leave our apartment. so that meant we still had a good amount of time before they would show up.

*David's pov*

        Henry had just called me to see if I was on my way to the diner with Emma, but I was running a little behind and I was going to be a little late. I mean it's only 12:15 but Emma takes a while to get ready and I'm sure that Killian wouldn't be ready. I was a little unsure about throwing her this surprise baby shower. Emma wasn't that kind of girl, she doesn't really like surprises. So I'm sure that this will be interesting. I finally reached Emma's apartment and Hook answered the door. "Hey Hook, is Emma ready yet?"

        "Not even close, Mate." I walked into her apartment and she was a little surprised to see me here.

        "Dad, what are you doing here?" She asked curiously.

        "Well, since you and your mother are hanging out this afternoon Killian and I decided that we would talk and hang out for a couple hours." She nodded her head and went into her room to go get ready. She did not look like she wanted to go out. "Emma, what's wrong?" I asked as she walked out of her room.

        "I'm 7 months pregnant with twins and Mom decided now would be a good time for us to go out and catch up?" I knew she didn't want to go out, I haven't seen my daughter since she told us what she was having. She barely left her apartment anymore. I knew having this baby shower was a bad idea.

        "Emma, the two of us are going to drive you to the diner so that you don't have to worry about that." She nodded her head. When she finally finished getting dressed she grabbed her purse and walked out the door. I helped her in the passenger side of her bug and Killian got in the back seat. She buckled her seat belt  and we were off. I kept my eyes on Emma and she seemed ok a little upset about having to leave the comfort of her apartment, but fine. I just hope she doesn't get mad about this.

*Emma's pov*

        My dad came to hang out with Killian, something wasn't right, but I just went along with it. I was still pissed at my mom for making me go out. I haven't felt the greatest for a while and all I've wanted was to stay home and just relax. when we arrived at Granny's diner I thought they were just going to drop me off, but they walked in with me instead. That's when I had a feeling that it wasn't going to be just the two of us eating lunch together. My dad got out of the car and went inside ahead of us. Killian got out and took my hand to help me out. I stood up and we walked to the door hand in hand. As soon as we walked in there was a big "SURPRISE." shouted at me I just looked at my dad and Killian. I gave my mom the death stare, until Ruby, Ashley, Belle, and Aurora ran up to me and gave me a big hug.

        "Mom, can I talk to you for a minute?" she walked over to me cautiously, Dad and Killian followed. "What the hell, you know I hate surprises. What were you thinking?"

        "Emma, I wanted to throw you a baby shower and I knew you wouldn't let me. This was the only way that I would be able to throw it for you, ok?" I nodded my head and gave her a hug we then walked back to the party. I saw Granny and went over to give her a hug. I saw some other people and thanked them for coming. And then I saw Henry sitting with Regina and I went over to talk to them.

        "Hey Kid, did you know about this before." he nodded his head and we talked some more. he went over to see his grandparents and I stayed seated with Regina. "Hey Regina thanks for coming." She smiled and continued to ignore me. She still didn't like me because of the whole Robin Hood and Marian thing. The silence between us got awkward so I got up and walked away, I saw Ashley and Aurora talking so I went to go say hi again.

        "Emma, what's up, how are you feeling?" I shrugged and we went to sit down. "Tell us whats wrong."

        "Let's see, I have felt nauseous for the past 3 weeks and no one cares because I didn't want to come out, also my insane mother threw me a surprise baby shower. I would have been ok if she told me, but I really hate surprises." They all smiled and started trying to get me to relax for a little while, but it didn't work. It wasn't so much a baby shower as a get together, that I was thankful for. We sat, we talked, they ate because I felt to sick to eat anything. Mom had a cake made for me I cut the cake and helped hand it out. People kept asking me what was wrong, finally I just stopped answering them. The party didn't end until 8 O'clock they made me open the presents. I got a bunch of cute clothes for the babies, I got two car seats one from Aurora and one from Ashley, my parents got me the second crib that I needed I was thankful for that, and then I got some other stuff. My dad and Killian had to leave for a little while to go get my dad's truck. So when everyone else left My mom, Belle, Mr. Gold, Ruby, and Granny hung out with me until they came back.

        "Emma, I forgot to give this to you." Mr. Gold handed me a package i Shook it a little to see what it was. "What ever you do don't open it until you have the baby." he told me and I nodded. Killian and Dad pulled up in the cars and They got out and started loading the crib into the truck. We said goodbye to everyone and we got into my bug. I drove home, I didn't want to but Killian didn't know how to drive and my parents were taking the truck back to my apartment to drop off the stuff. When we reached home. My parents and Killian brought everything in, they brought the second crib into the nursery that I wasn't allowed to see yet. 

        "Emma, the crib was only part of our present. The other part is from us and Killian." Killian covered my eyes and we walked into the nursery. It was amazing they had just put the second twins crib in it. the room was a cream color the one crib had a hint of blue on it and the other one had a hint of pink on it. it was perfect, I gave them all a hug and thanked them I felt a lot more prepared now that I knew the rooms were done. After my parents left I got into my pajamas and got into bed Killian came in soon after and layed down next to me. I thanked him and he started to rub my back I started to drift off to sleep he kissed my forehead and turned off the light, he held me close and didn't let go. he whispered he loved me and I whispered back to him as we both fell to sleep.

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