Chapter 14: Labor Pain's

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8 1/2 months pregnant

*Emma's pov*

I sat on the couch in my apartment alone. Henry was at Regina's for the weekend and Killian wanted to go sailing for the day. Around 9:30 in the morning I got a phone call from Ruby. "Hey Emma, what's up?

"Nothing what's up with you?

"Nothing, so can Ashley, Belle, Aurora, and I come over to hang out?"

"Yeah, that's fine with me, Henry and Killian aren't home." We said goodbye and hung up. I got off the couch and went to the kitchen and started to make some snacks. I didn't feel the greatest, but I really didn't want to be alone. I was in some pain. But I didn't want them to worry about me, so I wouldn't mention it. There was a knock at the door. I walked over to it and opens it. "Hey guys, come on in." I said trying to forget the uncomfortable feeling. They walked and and we went over to the couch and sat down.

"So how are you feeling?" Belle asked

"I'm ok, very uncomfortable." I chuckled slightly. We sat and talked for what seemed like forever. I wanted to just go to sleep, but I didn't say anything. The babies were kicking so much and so hard.

"Emma, are you ok?"

"What? Oh yeah, I'm just a little tired."

"Oh, ok, well you want me to go get the snacks from the other room?" I nodded my head and Ruby walked into the kitchen.

"So where are Philip and Alexandra?"

"Granny offered to watch them." I nodded and put my hands on my stomach. Ruby walked back in holding a tray. She placed it on the table and sat back down.

Ashley and Aurora had to leave to go get there kids So it was just Ruby, Belle, and I. We put a movie on and watched it, I lied down on the couch while we were watching the movie and I fell asleep . I woke up around 3 O'clock and Belle wasn't there. "He, were is Belle?"

"She had to get home. " I nodded my head and sat up. "Emma, are you alright?"

"yeah I'm fine. I'll be right back." I went up the stairs and say on my bed clenching my stomach. What the hell was wrong with me? When the pain passed I stood up, and as I stood up I was pretty sure my water had just broken. I knew I was in labor .

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