Chapter 3: Dinner with the Folks

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*Killian’s pov*

                I was standing in the beautiful Emma Swan’s kitchen, when she appeared from the stairs with her mother. “Killian, What are you doing here?”

                “Henry let me in I wanted to come see the new place. It looks nice.”

                “Thanks.” She stood there talking. And then she asked me if I wanted to go to lunch with her, her parents and Henry. I said yes, I really didn’t want to go but I liked her. The main problem was that her father didn’t like me very much. But I wasn’t about to give up.

                “So what time should I meet you at Granny’s?”

                “How about you stay until then, we only have like 15 minutes. Mary Margret why don’t you take Henry to go get David, we’ll meet you over there.” She nodded her head and left it was just me and Swan. She dragged me up to her room we sat and talked for a little while but then she kissed me. That wasn’t like her, for once she wasn’t playing hard to get. I didn’t say anything just smiled and then I kissed her back. We kissed a little longer until she said, “We should head over to Granny’s before they start to get suspicious.” So I stood up, took her hand, and turned her around so I could see her, and then I picked her up.

*Emma’s pov*

                Hook was acting like a gentleman he carried me down the stairs, to my car, and placed me in the driver’s side then got in the passenger’s side. The way he looked at me made me feel like I had butterflies in my stomach, it felt magical. He tried to hold my hand while I drove but that didn’t quite work. I had to keep my hands on the steering wheel, but he was making it quite difficult. “Hook, I’m trying to drive.” I laughed. Finally he stopped attempting to hold my hand.

                We arrived at Granny’s shortly after but I guess we took longer than we thought because Henry asked, “Where were you, we already ordered.” Mary Margret and David looked at us with a very stern look.

                “Sorry Kid, we were unloading some of the boxes and lost track of time.”

                “Emma can we talk to you outside for a moment?” we walked outside. “You lost track of time, what were you two really doing?”

                I looked at both of them David looked like he was ready to scream, I didn’t know what to say everything I say won’t make this situation any better so I said. “We were just kissing, nothing bad.”

                “Just kissing, you sure about that?” Mary Margret questioned while I rolled my eyes.

                “Yes.” David looked at me with disappointment so I just walked back into the diner and sat next to my son. “So kid what’d you order?”

                “A burger and fries, and a strawberry shake. What are you going to order?”

                “I don’t know, I’m thinking about getting the same, but switch the strawberry shake for a chocolate one.” I smiled at him putting my arm around him. Hook walked in and sat in a chair at the end of the table, while Mary Margret and David slid into the other side of the booth. After Hook and I ordered our food everything came out from the back and we all ate. “Henry, don’t forget your going to Regina’s after dinner.”

                “Ok Mom, why am I going there again?”

                “I told you, the apartment isn’t cleaned up enough, I don’t want you to get hurt.” He nodded his head and continued eating his meal. “Where are you going to stay?”

                “With me mate.” Hook said with a smile. David just looked at us.

                “You sure that’s a good idea Emma?”

                “David, she can make her own choices I trust her.” I looked at my mom and mouthed thank you to her. “Henry, Regina’s here.”

                “Ok see you tomorrow.”

                “Bye kid, see you tomorrow, I love you.” he walked over to Regina and gave her a hug. It was getting late I wanted to go home so I made an excuse saying that Hook promised to help me unload some more boxes. I hugged my parent’s goodbye and told them I’d see them tomorrow.

                When we walked out of Granny’s Hook shot me a glare and said. “I don’t remember offering to help unpack.”

                “I know, but telling my parent’s that I’m going to go have sex isn’t something I should say.” We chuckled got in my car and drove to the docks.

                We went to his ship climbed onboard and started to make out. He picked me up and carried me below deck. One thing led to another and we were in his bed. Before I could fall asleep he whispered to me, “I love you Swan, you are the most perfect girl in the world.” And I fell asleep in his arms.

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