Chapter 1: Moving Out

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*Mary Margret's pov*

"Emma, Emma where are you?" As I called for my daughter I started getting nervous, she wasn't answering me. Even though she's 30 years old I worried about her. Everyone tells me not to, but how can I not. I mean I did miss 28 years of her life already and I don't plan on missing any more of it.

"Mary Margret, David, Henry, I'm home." I ran up to her and gave her a big hug. "Um, hi." She said giving me some sass.

"Where were you, I was worried sick." She held up the grocery bags with the breakfast food in it.

"Sorry, we were out of eggs." she walked over to the kitchen area and started unloading everything. She pulled out eggs, bacon, bread, coffee, and hot coca mix. I smiled a little feeling embarrassed that I worried about her so much.

"Well you could have left a note."

"I told Henry to tell you." She put the water on for the hot cocoa and the coffee. She seemed a little agitated, but I didn't ask. David came into the room and tried to get my attention. I saw him and we went out to the balcony to talk.

*Emma's pov*

Mary Margret walked out on the balcony with David; I was just about to crack the eggs in the pan when Henry came down stairs. "Hey kid, what's up?"

"Where's Grandma or Grandpa?" He asked me.

"They're out on the balcony talking, what's up?" He told me that baby Neal was crying so I ran up the stairs to the nursery picked him up and started to rock him, but he still cried. Then I started whispering to him saying, "It's alright, your big sisters here, it's going to be ok." He was still a little fussy, but I was able to carry him down the stairs without the fear of dropping him. I sat in the rocking chair that was in the living room and rocked him back to sleep. Mary Margret and David walked back in the room and stood at the door watching me care for my infant brother "Can I help you?" I know I'm a little sassy, but come on they treat me like a baby.

"Sorry but we were just watching how good you are with him." I smiled and looked at David.

"Henry do you have everything ready? We have to leave as soon as we finish breakfast." Henry nodded his head and walked over to the table sat down and started sipping his hot coca with cinnamon. David started to crack the eggs. I wasn't used to that normally I'm the one who makes the breakfast in the house, so it felt nice to not have to for once.

"So where are you two going that you needed to pack some bags." Henry looked at me like I had two heads. I realized then that I had forgotten to tell my parents that Henry and I found an affordable apartment in Storybrooke.

"Ok so I totally forgot to tell you this, so I'm really sorry about the late information, but Henry and I are moving into our own apartment. It's just so crowded here I'm sorry." David shook his head. He looked like he was disappointed in me, but hey I forgot what am I supposed to do.

"You sure it has nothing to do with Killian?" I looked at him. Killian was a friend, but he was much more than that. Most people know him by the name Hook, yes, Captain Hook. David doesn't trust him, you know because of the whole him being a pirate thing, but David did marry a thief. So I guess you could say that I am moving out so I can be with Hook. I think I might love him, and I know that he loves me. He can be a real gentleman when he chooses, which is how he acts all the time with me.

"What, no we just need more space that's all." I finally responded after I came out of my day dream. I was lying, but how would they know, I'm the only one that is able to tell when people were lying. David kept trying to get me to talk. Finally I said, "Fine maybe a little, but I think I may be in love him."

He started to scold me like I was a teenager who dropped out of school to be with her boyfriend. "Emma you can't possibly love someone you just met."

"David we fell in love right after we met. At least these two have known each other for a year or so." I could tell Mary Margret was on my side I mean if there were sides.

I sent Henry upstairs with Neal so that he didn't have to listen to us bicker. David tried to tell us that that was different, but it really wasn't. We argued back and forth for a couple minutes until I finally had it and said, "Henry, Henry, get down here NOW! We're leaving." When Henry came down the stairs he said good bye but I didn't bother so I stormed out.

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