Chapter 16: Together as a family

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*Emma's pov*

I sat in the hospital bed waiting for the nurse to bring Noah and Leah over to me. When I saw them I thought I was going to cry they were the most beautiful babies. at first the nurse put both of the babies in my arms. Killian was sitting next to me looking down at them. I then handed him Noah, his beautiful baby boy. Killian had this huge smile on his face, he was finally a dad. After a couple minutes with his son I put his daughter in his arms and I took Noah back. He had tears in his eyes. We sat on the bed together alone for a few minutes just holding them. I couldn't stop smiling. My parent's eventually came in with Henry. Henry came up to me and looked at his new brother and sister, he just looked at them and smiled. "would you like to hold one?" I asked. He nodded his head, I put baby Noah in his arms and made sure that his head was supported. My mom sat on the bed with me and gave me a big hug.

"He's not going to let Leah go is he?" My mom laughed. I shook my head and smiled Hook cradled his little pirate princess in his arms. He had taken his hook off so that he didn't take a chance and hurt the babies. "Killian, can I please see my granddaughter?" He looked up and handed her over to my mom. My dad watched as she held Leah. While they were holding the twins I remembered that Mr. Gold had given me a present for the twins. I took it out of my bag and opened it. I sat there holding it. It was two baby blankets, one pink and one blue with the names Leah and Noah on it. I couldn't help but smile.

*Henry's pov*

I sat and held my little brother for a while Mom and Grandpa showed me how to hold him. I couldn't believe that I had a little brother and sister. It was going to be a little crowded in our apartment for a little while since Mom and Killian were still unpacking everything that we needed the babies room was done but our stuff was still in boxes. I sat for a couple more minutes before Grandpa took Noah out of my arms so that he could hold him. Killian sat on the bed with my mom and held her while she fell asleep. I sat in the chair next to my mom's bed, "Henry, would you like to hold your little sister before the nurse comes back in to take them to the nursery?" Grandma said

"Yes, please." She nodded and put Leah in my arms. I just stared at her, and gave her my finger to hold I was never going to let anyone hurt my little brother or sister. They were going to be protected by me and nobody could take them away. The nurse came back in the room because it was getting late and visiting hours were almost over. She took Noah from Grandpa's arms and she took Leah from me. and I whispered, "I promise nothing bad will ever happen to the two of you. I will forever be your savior." I said goodbye to my mom and Killian and I walked out with Grandma and Grandpa.

Killian's pov

The boy said goodbye to us and left, and the twins were taken back to the nursery to sleep and Emma was asleep in my arms. Everything was falling into place. I was a father, Emma and I were engaged we had Henry and the twins. And we have the support from everyone in her family and in the town. It fell into place and we all were finally together as a family.

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