Chapter 9: Family Time

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                                                        *2 months later*

*Killian's pov*

        "Hello Love, how are you feeling? I asked as I walked into our shared bedroom. It was 8:00 in the morning on a Sunday so she was just waking up. She lifted her head and saw that I had made her breakfast.

        "I feel fine, thank you for making me breakfast." I kissed her on the cheek and placed her plate in front of her.

        "So I've been thinking, since you don't have work and Henry doesn't have school I thought that you, Henry, and I could go sailing on the Jolly Roger."

        "That would be so nice, but my parent's are coming over with Neal."

        "They could come with us." She widened her eyes in shock, I was a little shocked myself, but I really wanted Emma to come sailing with me and it was the only way she would go. She called her parents to ask. I left the room so she could have some privacy. Henry was in the living room sitting on the couch eating his breakfast and watching the TV thing. "Morning mate, how are you?" he nodded his head and continued what he was doing. "So, it's completely up to your mother, but we might be going sailing today."

        That caused him to pop his head up right away. "Really, is anyone else coming with us?"

        "Possibly your grandparents and your uncle." He smiled with excitement." He ran into his room to get ready. That was when I realized I haven't spoken with David since before Emma got pregnant. I didn't go with her to tell her father. He was either going to scowled me or kill me. Emma walked out of the our room  "So Love, what's going on?"

        "They accepted the offer and will be coming with us." I smiled nervously

*Mary Margret's pov*

        I got off the phone with Emma and ran back in the kitchen to finish feeding Neal. "Who were you on the phone with?" David asked as I walked back into the room.

        "Emma..." Was all I was able to get out before he interrupted me.

        "Why, what's wrong?" David asked panicking a little.

        "Nothing, she just wanted to see if we wanted to go sailing with the three of them. I told them we would go.

        "Ok, I still haven't had that little chat with Hook." I rolled my eyes and sat down. He sat next to me. He looked like he had no idea of what he did wrong. I started to lecture him about how to be nice and that, that's his daughter's fiancé. I placed Neal in his playpen and went into our room to get ready. I got ready and we walked out the door.

*Killian's pov*

        David and Mary Margret were going to be here any minute. I was nervous and knew Emma could tell, "Killian, why are you pacing like that?"

        "No reason, I'm fine."

        "Killian please tell me." She looked at me with her sad eyes.

        "I haven't spoken with or seen your father since before you found out you were pregnant. So I haven't seen him for over 5 months." Her eyes widened and she looked like she was going to get sick. There was a knock at the door. I went to answer it. I opened the door and said, "Hello, come on in." Mary Margret was carrying Neal in his carrier when she walked in.

        "Hey, sweety. How are you feeling? I haven't seen you in a couple weeks." Mary Margret said to Emma. Emma smiled and they continued to talk. I walked into the kitchen to get stuff ready for when we leave.

        David followed me and began talking. "So, you got my daughter pregnant? You have know idea how much I want to kill you right now." He stopped talking and that made me nervous. I felt that he was about to punch me.

        Before he continued I said, "Look I love your daughter and I would never hurt her. She is my whole life. I know I've made mistakes before, but I make this promise to you, I will always protect her. She is my life and my everything." We stood in silence for a few. All he was able to do was smile. We walked back into the room the girls were laughing and Emma was holding her brother. I've never seen her so happy. And I plan to keep her that way.


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