Part 13: Happiness Sets Like the Sun and Misfortune Rises With the Night

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Ready for more angst? If your not, too bad. I don't own Omori.

The cake was amazing. Sweet, fluffy, and most of all, just plain delicious. Kel is still eager to do some more stuff, so he took the liberty to bring his game system along with some games. After he finished his slice of cake, Kel eagerly hooks up the system to the television.

"Hey Sunny, did you keep up with your gaming skills?" Kel challenges.

"Not since the last time."

It took awhile for Kel to understand that Sunny was an absolute shut-in who did almost nothing for 4 years. Of course he won't be as good as he was before in many things. Aubrey and Hero glare at Kel for his lack of tact.

"Sorry, I guessed it slipped my mind since we're all hanging out together like we used to." Kel said.

"Here, I'll play against you." Kim said as she stretched her fingers. "How bad can it be?"

The group decided that watching Kel and Kim go against each other in a racing game will be exciting. While they do so, Hero decides to watch the dishes. Aubrey and Basil decided to root for Kim while Sunny went for team Kel.

"Why are you rooting for Kel?" Aubrey asks, a bit hurt by Sunny's decision.

Sunny shrugs and Kel looks at Aubrey while giving her a smug look. Aubrey gets angry which makes Basil back up a bit.

"Kim, slaughter his ass." Aubrey said as she gripped Kim's shoulder tightly.

"You got it girl!" Kim said as she endures her bf's crushing grip.

"Basil, why're you on Kim's side?" Aubrey asks, letting her anger subside.

"Can I not be on her side?" Basil asks, still scared of Aubrey's rage.

"The more the better." Kim said. "I could use this motivation to crush these nerds."

Aubrey had mixed feelings for Kim using 'nerds' since she is calling Sunny a nerd too. However, this is all fun and games and Aubrey has to be self aware of the 'overprotecting' side of her which Hero pointed out. So, Aubrey puts those feelings past her and decides to enjoy the game. The racing game has eight other computers which makes it a ten player race. Still, the main goal was to beat each other rather than placing.


After the game makes its countdown, Kel and Kim begin to faceoff. While Kel is no stranger to racing games, Kim wasn't either. First lap and Kel is taking first with Kim not far behind. Lap 2 and Kim and Kel are neck and neck. Sunny was silent in anticipation while Aubrey and Basil cheered for Kim. Finally, both players hit the third lap.

"C'mon, c'mon..." Kim mutters as she puts all her focus in the game.

"Just a little more..." Kel mumbles just as focused.


The game ends with Kim taking first place. Kim and her two supporters cheer while Kel becomes depressed as Sunny looks at Kel in mild disappointment as he gets third.

"What? Can you do better?" Kel asks in an irritated voice.

Sunny nods and raises his hand for the controller. Kel gives it to him and the other three notice this. Kim smirks and gives her controller to Aubrey. Aubrey accepts the game controller and sits down with Sunny already prepped. And focused.


Sunny took an unexpected lead that left Aubrey in the dust. It wasn't that Aubrey was bad, but it was that Sunny is that good. Aubrey desperately tries to get some lead but she remains stuck at fourth place with two computers ahead of her and two close behind. It came to the last lap and the tension was stiff. Sunny's face remains calm and collected while Aubrey grits her teeth in frustration as she mashes the controller.

To Forgive or Not To Forgive. OMORI (Sunburn)Where stories live. Discover now