The Group

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Chapter 44-The Group
"So what do you say Katniss...Can we join?" Cato asks. "Well..."
Clove pov-
"Well..." Katniss says. "I guess we could give it a shot. But don't underestimate me, hurt one of already know what will happen." She says. Yes. They fell for it. Operation 'Break The Victors' is a go. I smile and get up and hug her and she accepts and hugs me back. "Now, let's go play some games." I say and we all head to the play area. As we play I see how Gale is close to them all, we really would have this problem if he had stayed with us. He could of had power...but no he was being a little bitch when we were trying to make him stronger. That's just one of the reasons we hate The Victors.

"Guys, I can't believe it worked!"Glimmer says and we all cheer. "I know I never knew The Victors were that stupid"says Cashmere. "Okay so how are we gonna destroy them?" I ask and Cato scoots closer to the group. "We break up their relationships and then turn them on eachother by making rumors about them." We grin evily and nod our heads slowly. "wonderful plan."
Katniss pov-
I feel like I did something good today. I mean now that I notice it, The 'use to be' Careers aren't that bad. We do have a lot in commen and that one question keeps orbiting in my mind. Why did The Victors and The Careers hate eachother? "Hey... guys" I say and they look at me. "Why did we hate The Careers so much?" I ask looking at them all.
"Well, to be honest I don't even know but-"Finnick starts but gets interrupted by Gale. "Actually it was back when we were in middle school, remember how I came to your group in the summer before 8th grade year started, we were still friend but I wouldn't hang out as much. Any ways while during the summer before we started 8th grade year, I had an argument with Clove and the rest of them on how I liked you guys better cause you guys were nice to other people and you treated me fairly, while they on the other hand didn't really give two fucks about me. So that same night is when I snuck over to Katniss's house and you guys were all there and I started hanging out with you."
I nod my head, "So they 'hate us' because we were better friends than them?" I ask not believing a word he is saying. "That's the only thing that makes sense." He says. "Okay, Tomorrow we will have a little hangout and invite them and we will ask them." I say and everyone nods in agreement.

So sorry it's short but I have school in a bit! Hope you like it!

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