New Beginning Part 2

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Chapter 5- New Beginning part 2
We laughed and talked then...

Peeta pov-
...Cato came up to us. "Katniss please, please take me back!" he starts shouting. "NO WAY CATO YOU HURT ME! YOU ALWAYS DO! YOU CHEAT ON ME AND I WAS STUPID AND KEPT TAKING YOU BACK!! BUT NOW IM HAPPY SO LEA..." She got cut off by Cato slapping her in the face. I get up and punch him in his face. "WHAT THE HECK MAN! NEVER TOUCH HER AGAIN YOU HEAR ME!!" I shout at him. "What are you going to do about it fucker!" Cato says and I kick him in his gut and punch him again,"THATS WHAT ILL DO!" I say and turn to Katniss. I look at her and she has a red mark on her cheek, "Oh my gosh Kat, I swear I'm going to..." I get cut off by her lips. "Thanks." is all she says to me and then she kisses me again.
~Skipping 5th period which is Art with Mrs.Octiva~

Katniss pov-
The bell rings signaling the end of 5th period. We see our friends and they join us. "OH MY GOSH KATNISS! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!" My friends ask me. Me and Peeta explain every detail and Finnick is first to say something. "I swear he IS GOING TO PAY FOR WHAT HE FUCKING DID!" He is really angry right now, then Cato passes by and he has a bruise on his cheek and a black eye. Finnick gets up. "You BITCH!!" He then kicks Cato in his nuts. "WHY DID YOU SLAP KATNISS!" "Because I felt LIKE IT!" Cato says and deserves his self a punch in the face by Finnick. He lets Cato go and gives me a hug. "Thanks bro." I tell him. "Your welcome sis." He says and kisses my forehead. We eat lunch and I head off to my 7th period which is Fashion with Cinna. Me and Annie sit next to each other and start talking about her 'lover', Finnick.
Annie pov-
"Katniss I just like him a lot, might as well call it love him a lot." I tell Katniss. "I think he feels the same way, you can see it in his eyes when he looks at you sweetie." Katniss tells me. I'm so glad she is my friend what would I do without her. "So what exactly do you see in him?" She asks me. "Well, his beautiful eyes, his personality, the way he can make me laugh, how he sticks up to you, and his laugh, everything about him is just, is just, perfect." I tell her and she smiles at me. "You know what Annie, that's exactly what I saw in Peeta and look now, he's My Bread Boy and I'm His Girl on Fire." she tells me with the biggest smile on her face I give her a hug. "Thanks Katniss." I tell her and she nods. The bell rings and we go off to our 8th period class, Math with Mr.Heavensbee.
Finnick pov-
I walk into my math class with Peeta and see that Katniss and Annie are about to sit separately. "Um Katniss you can sit with Annie, I ugh, I ugh need to talk to Peeta." I tell her and she nods and sits with Annie. I look at Annie and she looks sad. I sit down with Peeta and say, "Dude I need to tell you something big." I tell him he nods at me telling me to continue. "Okay um,well,I um, I like Annie a lot, you can just call it love, I love Annie dude." I tell him he smiles and says,"She likes you too, didn't you see it, when you told Katniss to sit with her, she wanted to sit with you obviously dude, tell Katniss to switch seat with you and tell her before someone else does bro." I nod and tap Katniss's shoulder, "Hey Katniss can you switch seats with me?" I aske her and she gathers her stuff and we switch I look at Annie and smile at her.
"Um Annie, can we um talk?" I ask nervous cause what if she doesn't like me. "Sure Finnick." she says, okay here I go. "Annie I wanted...

~another cliff hanger, hope you like my story so far!~

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