A New Day

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Chapter 34-A New Day
Katniss pov-
I wake up and look around. Where am I? Where is Peeta? "Hello!?" I shout and nothing. What's going on? Suddenly I fall. I scream and scream then I hit the floor. Ouch that hurt. I get up and walk. Where to you may ask, While I don't know. I then see a door. I hesitate at first then open it. Oh. My. Gosh. I...I can't believe what I see. "Peeta! How...How could you!?" I shout. There he is kissing that girl...that girl from Mc Donald's. No...Why? He said he loved me and only me. "Can't you see. He loves me!" The girl Jade says. No. No No No No. NO! "PEETA!PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME! PEETA!" I scream over and over again. "Katniss....Katniss...Katniss..." who is saying that?
"Katniss...Katniss.........Katniss!" I wake up and I'm sweating, I have tears streaming down my face. I look up and see ocean blue eyes. I see it's Peeta waking me up. I search his face and and find his lips and I grab his face and kiss him. He kisses me back. He then pulls away and caresses my cheek.
"What happened Katniss?" Peeta asks me. "I had a nightmare." I say and he nods at me to continue. I tell him everything I had a dream about. When I'm done I look up at him and he is depressed. I can tell in his eyes. "Peeta I'm sorry. I don't know why I dreamt that. I know you love me and me only but I have no...no idea why I had that nightmare." I say crying while looking at Peeta. He caresses my cheek and I lay my head on that hand feeling his touch knowing the nightmare was a fake. "It's...it's umm... it's okay Kat." He says than kisses my cheek.
I look at him and I know he is still sad. He is about to lay down but I grab his arm and pull him up towards me and I kiss him. Not just any normal kiss, I kiss him hard and passionately and he does the same. Our lips move in sync...he is like my other half. We break apart and rest our forehead on each other's.
He gives me a short loving kiss than says, "Goodnight Princess. We still could sleep for 5 more hours." I nod and he opens his arms to me and I lay in them and rest my head on his chest and fall asleep.
Im gym we don't do anything just talk. Music class is the same... people volunteer to sing. For my third period, I'm by myself so I just use my phone.


Hey babe what you doing?


Hey Princess and I'm just on my phone, you?


Oh me too. For next period can you get me that mocha I like... pretty please


Of corse babe😘



The bell rings and I gather my things and start leaving the class room. I stop at my locker and put my things in there that I don't need. I then walk to the cafeteria and wait for Peeta. Then Cato comes up to me.
I turn the other way and he grabs my arm and turns me around. "What the fuck do you want?" I ask with disgust. "Well hello to you too." He says smirking. "I was wondering if you would like to go to Prom with me.." He says.
Okay. What? Oh.My.Gosh. Did he really just say that. I laugh and say,"Wow. Really. Your funny Cato." then I get up and leave but he grabs my hand. "Katniss, come on I love you." Cato says looking me in the eyes and I shout, "AND I HATE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART!! NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!"
He let's go of my hand and I'm about walk past him then he grabs my waist. "Cato! Let go of me!"I say and he pulls me close to him. He places his lips in mine I try to pull away but I cant. I punch him on his chest but nothing. He then moves one of his hands under my shirt. I scream but all you here is a mumble cause he has his lips on mine hard. He moves his hands close to my boobs and he grabs them and I start crying. He might rape me. I try punching harder. I then give up.
His hands are moving around everywhere under my shirt. I then get and idea. I then knee him where it hurts more. He let's go and whines. I'm still crying cause he sexually assaulted me. He is bending down holding his balls. I then Knee him on the head and he falls back. I get on him and I lets all the tears fall. I punch him over and over again.
Someone pulls me off of him and when I turn around I see Peeta. "Baby...what happened?" He asks me and I tell him everything while letting more tears fall out. Peetas eyes turn a super dark blue. He hands me the drinks and gets on top of Cato. "I.TOLD.YOU.TO.NEVER.TOUCH.HER.AGAIN!!YOU BITCH!!" Peeta says while punching Cato in the face as I was. When I think Cato has had enough I try pulling Peeta up but he keeps hitting him. I say his name but nothing. I grab a hold of his hand then he stops and looks at me then his eyes turn a bluish gray color. He is sad.
"I-I'm sorry Kat. I-I umm... I took it too far." He says and looks down on Cato. I help him up and hug him. "It's okay." is all I say and he hugs me back and smells my hair then snuggles his head in my hair. I giggle cause it kinda tickles. The bell rings so it's now lunch me and Peeta get our food and sit down and drink the drinks Petta bought.
"I'm sorry I wasn't here to protect you. I'm such a horrible Boyfriend to you. He could of raped you...and I wouldn't of know cause I was getting the drinks. I'm sorry." Peeta says about to cry. I kiss him and look him in the eyes. "But you did come and I only thought of what you would do...so I kneed him where it hurts most. Then I kneed his face." He laughs and grabs my hand. I just noticed....Cato is still on the floor and his nose is bleeding. I think Peeta and I broke his nose. I look down and see mine and Peetas hand, and they have blood on it. I start creaking out and Peeta asks me why and all I do is lift my hand. He looks shocked.
"We will wash them when the group comes okay. Make sure no one sees your hands. Okay?" He says and I nod my head. We sit there then the group comes and sees Cato on the floor. They ask what happened and Peeta tells them that we don't know. We then get up and walk to the bathrooms. Im about walk in my bathroom and he grabs me. "I'm gonna go in there with you." I shake my head and ask why. "Because Clove and the others could go in there and....you know." He says. I defiantly know what will happen. I grab his hand and pull him in with me. We wash our hands and then leave back to the cafeteria. When we walk in Cato isn't on the floor. But Marvel and Thresh are holding him up to sit at their table.
///////////End Of Day\\\\\\\\\\\
"BRAINLESS AND LOVERBOY! TELL US WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED AT LUNCH WITH CATO!"Johanna yells at me and Peeta. I shake my head and look up at Peeta. He shrugs his shoulders. "Go to the Park at 6... All of you. That's all I'll say." I says and grab Peetas hand and pull him in the direction of the car. We get in and drive straight to the park even though we have about 2 hours.
When we get there me and Peeta play around. I end up falling on top of him and we laugh. I look him in the eyes and we become serious for a second then I look at his lips and push mine on his. We kiss for a while till someone says,"mmhm" we break apart and start laughing and stand up and see our group here. Well time to tell them what happened at lunch.
We tell them everything and I start to cry when I talk about what Cato did. The whole group looks shocked then get angry. I finish my side then Peeta tells them what he did. "Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry Kat." Johanna says and I say it's okay. We then group hug. "So what is the Last Day party gonna be?" I ask. "Oh the theme is Medieval Times, so knights peasants and on Thursday we will have the votes for who the school voted for to be the King and Queen."Annie says. Me and Peeta nod. "While we are gonna go home so I can sleep." I say and everyone else laughs and we say bye to each other and me and Peeta head home. I lay on the bed and knock out.

How was it? Hopefully it was good.

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