The Winners

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Chapter 36-The Winners
Cato pov-
Why did I have to be so stupid and cheat on Katniss, I mean I love Clove but I miss Katniss and her voice, the way she would kiss me. Ughhh I'm so stupid! Hopefully people voted for me and her, then I will get her back. I'm pretty sure she still loves me...Right? What am I saying. She hates my guts.
Annie pov-
I wake up the next morning. I wonder who won. I grab my phone and it says 6:30am. I woke up really early. I decide to take a shower and when I get our I let my hair be and put on an ocean blue sun dress. I put white flats on and for my make up I put white and blue eye shadow with black mascara and eye liner. My phone then lights up with a message.


Hey babe😘I can't wait to see who the school voted 4


Hello😘 and ik me too I'm so anxious😬


Lol my silly sea queen😘 see you in a bit we almost at your house


Okie Dokie😘

I put my phone inside my purse and sit on the couch. I then hear a honk and run for the door and I lock it and run to the car and Katniss is driving. I say 'hi' to everyone and peck Finnick on the lips. "Hey baby." He says I say 'hi' back and Katniss speeds to school.
"Someone is anxious to see who won." I say as I get out of the car and Katniss laughs "Yeah, I am." We all rush to the principles office where he has the box. "Okay who didn't have their name in the voting?" Katniss asks. Me, Finnck, Gale, and Johanna raise out hands. Katniss takes the box and gives it to us. "You guys count then and announce the winners. So now me and Peet-" Katniss is cut off by the intercom. "While hello students. Today all students will be in Music class first people will sing. And the exciting part, Annie Cresta and Finnick Odair will announce the winners of their Last day party. While may the odds be ever in your favor." Mrs.Trinket says.
"Okay I guess no gym." Katniss says sadly.
Peeta pov-
"Okay I guess no gym."Katniss says sadly. "Baby it's okay, you'll still be with me." I say to her and she smiles and takes my hand.
We walk in the Auditorium and Finnick and Annie have the winners. "Welcome. Welcome. Now have a seat." Mrs.Trinket says. Everyone scrambles around to find a seat. "Okay so you guys wanna sing first or find out the winners?" Mrs.Trinket asks once everyone is sitting. Everyone votes to see who won. "Okay...Finnick and Annie my dear please come up and announce the winners." She says and they head up to the stage, hand in hand.
They talk a bit and then Finnick goes toward the microphone. "What up fellow student! My name is Finnick Odair and-" "Naww your name is Annie Cresta"some one says sarcastically and Finnick shoots them a deadly glare. "As I was saying, my name is Finnick zOdair and I will announce the winners of Prince and Princess." he takes an envelope from Annie and the cash prize. "The winner is Clove and Prince and Cato and Princess."He says and everyone bursts out laughing.
"Hahaha! Just kidding Clove as Princess and Cato as Prince."Finnick says and they walk up to the stage. Finnick gives them their prize and Annie takes the microphone. "Okay hello guys, while the winners for King and Queen who will also be Prom King and Prom Queen is............KATNISS AND PEETA!" Annie shouts.
Katniss jumps up from her seat and takes my hand. We walk down and accept our things. "Peeta make a speech." Katniss says. "While. Thanks for voting for us and making us the King and Queen. We very much appreciate it." I say and every one goes wild. "Okay kids calm down. Okay you guys can take a seat now." Mrs.Trinket says and we all sit down. "So first person to sing is......Cato." Mrs.Trinket says. Why him out of all the kids here why him?

Hello srry I haven't posted chapter but here is one I will also try to post the next one today

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