That Girl ; Chapter Five

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(A/N: Guess who realized after months of this chapter being published that she linked the wrong All Time Low song! Yep, I'm that stupid. Sorry about the missing song, you can look it up if you want to listen to it it's a great one. Hope you enjoy the chapter:). )

Today was the day Dan would tell Phil a secret. No, that he loved him, but about his girlfriend. Dan hated loving Phil, especially since he knew Phil didn't see him that way. When he looked in the mirror, Dan saw nothing but an ugly, worthless, brown-haired boy. And for some reason, he had a girlfriend while in love with another guy, he thought of himself as the biggest idiot in town.

"Hey babe! I'm gonna tell my friends today about you, sound good?" Dan asked his girlfriend, pulling in for a hug and a kiss.

When she left the embrace and kiss, she replied with a high pitched "yes, of course my love." and pecked his cheek. She tried to play with his fringe but Dan pushed her hands away, there were certain limits people can't cross for him.

They walked to lunch together, their hands intertwined and Dan grew scared of what was to come. He did have feelings for Phil, but he hoped that Phil approved of his girlfriend.

When they walked into the cafeteria together, Dan kissed his girlfriend's cheek and sat down next to Phil. He saw some sort of frown or look of disgust on her face, but ignored it.

Phil looked up from the book was reading and smiled at Dan. "Hi." he greeted but then saw the girl behind him.

"Phil, this is my girlfriend, Allison." Dan said and Phil gasped slightly. Dan kissed Allison swiftly but with passion and when Dan turned back to Phil, Allison shot Phil a death glare.

Phil couldn't help but want to throw up. She had Tommy before, she can't have Dan now. Not that Phil had feelings for Dan, did he? No, he didn't. Especially not now.

"Have you two met?" Dan asked slowly, noticing their expressions, Phil's being scared and Allison's being angry.

"Yeah, we've seen each other around." Allison spoke up and grabbed Dan's hand, "c'mon Dan, lets get lunch." Allison said and dragged Phil to the front of the cafeteria.

As if on cue, Pj and Chris walked into the lunch room to see the couple holding hands and acting all cute, then looking at Phil ready to barf. They placed their things on the floor and looked at Phil.

"He's dating Allison??" Chris nearly screamed, "what the hell? Did you explain to him how much of a horrible human being she is?"

"No, I couldn't. She would kill me, and she already tries hard enough. I'm not making her hatred for me grow more." Phil told them and continued reading but Peej grabbed the book, put the bookmark on his page, closed it, then slammed it on the table.

"You have to, she's a total bitch and she's gonna end up hanging out with us, I'm not letting that happen." Pj told him and Chris agreed. That's when Allison and Dan came back to the table.

"Oh, Pj and Chris are here. Guys, this is my girlfriend, Allison." Dan told them and Pj grew a fake smiles, but it was more believable than Allison's.

Chris, on the other hand, was more open with his emotions. "Yeah, we know her. We know plenty about her, and even though it's not a lot, it's too much." Chris spat harshly and shot her a death glare.

Dan looked concerned and Allison put on a fake frown. Fake tears slowly rolled down her cheeks and Dan acted up, giving Chris a mad look and running to get tissues. While he was gone, Allison wiped off her tears and emotions and slammed her body down on the bench.

"Listen faggots, I'm dating Dan, and there's nothing you can do. You try to rat me out for anything I've done, I will punish you." she hissed, "we've been dating for about a week and he's already bought me some good shit. Anyone want to ruin that for me?" She asked and looked around.

Chris' mad look stayed on his face, but his mouth was shut, the same thing with Pj. She looked at Phil and he was completely scared. He shook his head gently and she smiled evilly.

"Good, it's settled then. Butt out, freaks." She told them and started fake crying again when Dan got back. "Thanks baby, you're such a good friend. I'm sorry your friends don't like me." she wept and he actually bought it.

"It's not your fault." He cooed into her ear, then looked at Pj, Chris, and Phil, "listen, you guys better be nice to her, that's the least you could do." he spat and Phil felt hurt. They had just met and he already hates him, great.

But in reality, Dan couldn't help but feel guilt. Yeah, he cared for Allison, but he did have feelings for Phil, who was clearly scared at the moment.

Dan looked back at Allison and kissed her on the cheek, "come on, let me get you away from these bullies. Where do you want to sit?" Dan whispered in her ear.

"With my friends, they're really nice. Their names are Tommy, Kyle, Rebecca, and a few other kids." she told him, fake sniffling but Dan didn't see past her lies.

"Okay, show me the way." Dan said and she wiped the last of her artificial tears and dragged him to her table.

Phil stared at them walk away and got crushed on the inside. Chris and Pj gave him sympathetic looks but he shrugged it off and pulled a granola bad from his backpack.

Pj dismissed Chris and gave Phil this look of awe. "You're eating? I'm so proud of you!" he said and got up to pull Phil in for a hug.

Phil didn't notice but Dan looked over just at that moment and saw the two in an embrace while Allison was mouthing off to Tommy, slightly angry at him but still friends.

Dan couldn't care less about the conversation but when he dozed off and saw Phil hugging someone else, he couldn't help but feel that constant pang of jealousy he gets when Phil is with other guys. Dan immediately joined in on Allison's conversation to get his mind off his growing feelings for Phil.

"And Chris came and totally mouthed me off out of the blue." Allison complained to Tommy but then wrapped her arms around Dan's neck who was now listening, "but my baby over her saved me from the bad people. You're so sweet Danny." she said and kissed him pationately, leading Dan to do the same and completely forgetting about Phil, and slightly cringing at the nickname 'Danny'.

"Ew, PDA, disgusting." Kyle said and fake gagged, making Allison throw one of her small tomatoes at him and continue shoving her disgusting tongue down Dan's throat.

At this moment, the tables turned. Phil glanced over to Dan's table while Pj
called Chris back and kissed his cheek and apologized for making him leave.

Phil felt hurt for some reason when looking at the couple make out at the table, and Dan looked happy about it. Phil couldn't help but feel for Dan, even though he would never feel the same way. All Phil had to do was shove his feelings aside, it was the only thing he could do.

"Phil, come on, the bell rung, lets get to class." Chris said, pulling Phil from his thoughts.

"Alright." Phil responded and got up. He took one last look at Dan, and when he saw him being happy with Allison, he knew that he was going to get over Dan. He simply had to.

Okie dokie well I don't know if there's gonna be a chapter with happiness at this point ugh it's frustrating.

Well if anyone forgets/cares Allison is the annoying one that dated Tommy idk I just thought I should remind you guys because Dan is dating her.

Thanks for reading it though, have a good:)

Love always,
(P.s: no I don't hate the girl that 'plays' Allison because she was Marley on glee [Last Friday was the last episode*cries*] and people that were on glee are awesome so yeah<3)

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