In My Veins ; Introduction

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"Hey faggot." someone said, slamming Phil into the lockers of the corridors in his school.

Phil did not like his school, or his home. He generally just hated his life. Everyone knew he was homosexual. Not one person he had ever met was accepting of him. Phil just wanted to fit in, he just wanted liking boys to be normal, or for him to find girls attractive, but he knew it would never happen.

Because of the constant bullying and abuse he received at home and in school, his grades weren't too hot either. He was failing in nearly every class, and the thing is he didn't really seem to care. He just wanted to try to be normal, but he knew it would never happen.

Every so often, Phil would have a dream of someone that could save him. Of course, this was the rare occasion when he wouldn't have another one of his scarring nightmares that haunted him all day and just repeated the next.

In his dreams, he imagined a boy, an angel almost. He was beautiful. The boy's hair was a perfect shade of brown, and he had the nicest brown eyes. This boy was also gay, and for some reason was in love with Phil, as much as Phil was in love with him.

But of course, Phil had to wake up at some point. His dream was over and he found himself in some cruel, repeating nightmare that would never end. He hated his life and all that was in it. Nothing and nobody could change his mind, unless of course that angel could come around, but it would never happen. After all, he lived in a place with nothing but homophobic people. The only gay dumb enough to stick around there was himself, and he couldn't wish that among a perfect person.

"Hey loser, how does it feel to suck?" Tommy, the main school bully asked Phil, pulling his papers from Phil's hand and throwing them into the air, leaving them to scatter all over the floor.

Tommy then squatted down and looked into Phil's eyes for a second.

"Sorry, you're a faggot, you don't suck you blow. That is if some idiot for some reason chose to love you." Tommy spat and took an essay of Phil's, that was a large portion of his grade, and tore it in half.

Tommy wasn't the best at insults, but he was still mean. Of course, that point was proven when the asshole himself decided to punch Phil square in the face, knocking him the ground as soon as he stood up.

"You're just a dumb little fag, aren't you?" Tommy harshly said and kicked Phil right on the center of his spine. That was gonna leave a bruise.

Tommy began ripping a few papers he threw around. Pulling Phil up by the collar of his shirt, he punched him repeatedly in the face and stomach. Everyone began laughing at Phil's coughing, while he was fighting tears in his eyes.

A tear managed to spill from his eye, and Phil flinched from once of Tommy's fists. "You little shit, you got scared didn't you?" Tommy said, making everyone laugh at Phil, including Tommy, "what are you scared we're gonna kill you? I wish we would. In fact, do us a favor, and go kill yourself."

"It's not like anyone would care"
Tommy spat as he walked away.

"You don't know how hard I try." Phil whispered softly to himself and he felt a tear pour out of his eyes as he lifted his sleeve. A trail of cuts were visible up and down on his arms.

Phil stared at Tommy as he walked down the corridor. He then looked down at the red marks on his wrists. A tear ran down his face when realized what he was about to do. He slowly walked to the nearest restroom, opened the door, let out a small cry, and walked into the stall. He opened his backpack slowly, digging for the little black box. What was inside of that little black box changed his life forever.

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