Dare #16

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Me: Welcome back to our beloved show, where you dare the FNAF crew and we make it happen!

Jazz: Today's dare comes from jellywolf22! Foxy and Freddy got to fight to the DEATH to see who is the better man. Whoever wins has to beat Goldie for Jazz's heart!

Foxy: *grins confidently* I will be the lad to capture that heart of yours, lass.

Me: Thought you were with Nicole.

Foxy: She tried to throw me into the sea, ME out of everyone.

Freddy: *growls* Jazz is my girl!

Foxy: She'll be kissing me soon.

*Freddy beats the crap out of Foxy and kills him, of course I bring Foxy back to life*

Me: Goldie vs Freddy! Who will win?

Freddy and Goldie: I will! *glares at each other*

*the two get on opposite sides of the room and a bell sounds. Freddy jumps at Goldie with lightning speed and beats him up so badly you can barely tell its Goldie*

Freddy: This is for trying to steal my woman! *he rips off Goldie's leg* For kissing my girl! *he rips off the other leg and an arm* *Goldie is screaming* And finally, this is for being the one that hates us secretly! *he rips off Goldie's head and arm, Freddy proceeds to slap Goldie with Goldie's hand*

Me: ................... Wow. Feeling a bit better Freddy?

Freddy: *gets up and comes to me and hugs me with blood stained hands* Yup. He learned his lesson. Now after this part of the show is done, come find me because we need to talk. Alright?

Me: Yeah, no prob, now go wash off. Seriously.

Freddy: Yes ma'am. *he leaves*

Jazz: *brings Goldie back to life again*

Goldie: I seemed to have lost. *sighs* I'll be in my room, reading. *he leaves*

Me: That is that for now! Vote and comment! And dare the crew some more! Trust me, there will be a lot more dares in this story/show. Okay bye now!

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