1 (who is that?)

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me and my brother are playing rock paper scissors as my mom pulls into our new driveway.

  "kids, we're here!" mom said with a huge smile. i look up and see a very nice, new home, and a nice, new neighborhood. our step dad, bill, gets out of the car and says "kids, get your boxes, they aren't gonna carry themselves" with a sarcastic smile. me and scotty look at each other and roll our eyes.

  i grab some of my boxes and run into my room. it was great. there was a big window where i could see right across the street. i put down my boxes and look out. there was a boy in the other window across from mine. we made eye contact and he smiled and waved and then walked away.

  i shrugged and ran back outside to get my last box. as i picked it up i see the boy walking over. who is that? i wonder. he was gorgeous.

  "hi, i'm guessing you live here?" he said looking over my shoulder towards my house
"y-yeah, and you live.. there?" i looked over at his house. it was nice.
"yeah" he looked down at my box ""y/n baseball".. you like baseball?" i nodded as he took the box from me "i can help you take it to your room" he said with a smile. scotty ran outside "hey y/n- do you think you could teach me to-" he saw benny. "oh.. uh hello"

  "hey" said benny looking confused "scotty, this is benny. he lives right across from us. benny, this is scotty smalls, my little brother"
benny smiled at scotty and stuck his hand out "nice to meet you, smalls". scotty shook his hand slowly "nice to meet you too.. uh-.. benny" we stood there in silence for a few seconds.

  "so, what did you need?" i asked scotty
"oh.. uh nothing. never mind" he said looking at benny "i gotta finish unpacking" he said as he ran into the house. "he doesn't get out much, huh?" benny says with a smirk. "not really, mom sees him as the angel, so i'm the one who gets to go and have fun" i say. benny chuckles. "well let's go inside and unpack"

-in my room-

as i unpacked, benny went through my baseball stuff.

  "i'm guessing you're a fan of babe ruth too?" he said holding up a picture of the babe. "who isn't?" i say smiling and taking the picture from him. i set the picture down and started going through other boxes. "ya know.. me and my friends go to the sandlot to play ball and we could use more teammates.. would you like to come?" he asked looking up at me. "sure!" i said. he stood up and sighed with relief. "great! we normally go at about 8, but i'll come by here so we can walk over there together" he said smiling. i nodded and smiled back and continued to unpack and set up my room.

- about half an hour later

when i got done unpacking. i looked over and saw benny asleep on my bed. "benny?.. hey! wake up" i said shaking him slightly. he got up and looked around confused, then looked at me. "oh! my bad.." he said. i smiled.

  "i think you better go, it's almost 6 and i'm sure you're parents are getting worried" he stood up and started walking out of my door. "wait! you're coming tomorrow, right?" he said. "yes, benny" i smiled. he smiled back and started walking away.

  i sat down and then i heard footsteps come back up the stairs. "oh and, y/n? bring smalls too" he said as his head peaked into my room. he then took off to his house. i looked out the window and saw benny running across the street and entering his home and within seconds his head appears in the window. he waves aggressively and i wave back.

  i take the now empty boxes to the garage and then eat dinner, and go to sleep, thinking about benny.


my pretty boy (benny rodriguez x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now